Example sentences of "and look [prep] her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had never visited it before , and looked around her with interest , remembering to go to the kitchen entrance .
2 At other times , mostly when he smiled in that particular way of Tyler 's , leaning his head sideways and looking at her with incredible love in his sparkling green eyes , she found it unbelievably painful .
3 He again knew what it was to feel embarrassed when , on the Monday dinner time , he went into the NAAM , and looking at her over the counter , he said , ‘ Hello there , ’ and she answered , ‘ Hello , yourself . ’
4 She demurred a little when he said , picking up his teacup , and looking at her over the top of it , ‘ You never answered my question , Miss McAllister .
5 She was awake now , and looking about her in bewilderment .
6 He had probably come to the same conclusion and if she tried to give some kind of explanation he would raise his eyebrows and look at her in astonishment , and she would feel utterly foolish .
7 Hordes of admirers screech that they would be only too willing to take Kylie home and look after her for a while .
8 Rosa laughed and looked at her as if she should know .
9 He stood and looked at her for a moment longer , his eyes running over her scathingly , taking in the beautiful , angry face , the wide and annoyed grey eyes and the tall , slender figure concealed in such efficient garments .
10 He stood and looked at her for a moment , hands on hips , jaw set .
11 He did not want to be caught at all , and although Mildred told him where they were going and tried to soothe him , he struggled madly and looked at her with great suspicion .
12 He turned his wrinkled face towards the young hedgehog and looked at her with his deep brown eyes .
13 James commented , and looked at her with disapproval .
14 The cat jumped on to Rilla 's chair and looked at her with its yellow eyes .
15 He shrugged and looked at her with those unfathomable grey eyes .
16 Piers abandoned his efforts with the meal and looked at her with raised eyebrows .
17 He laughed under his breath and looked at her with reluctant appreciation , but Alyssia did n't notice because she was staring out of the window at the passing scenery , keeping her fingers tightly crossed that the car would n't stop wheezing and die completely on them before they reached Nice .
18 Roman sat on a corner of her desk and looked at her with such a grave expression that she cried out in alarm .
19 Guido seated himself on the arm of a nearby armchair and looked at her with amusement in his eyes .
20 He stood and looked at her with an expression of total innocence .
21 He tossed her shorts away , then sat up and looked at her with desire-darkened eyes as he tugged down the zip on his own shorts and flung them away .
22 He pursed his lips and looked at her with a frown .
23 The clinic woman hoisted her into the air and looked at her in distaste .
24 He extracted a beautiful leather wallet from his pocket and looked at her in challenge .
25 Woolley stopped shaving and looked at her in the mirror .
26 Outside , she stood and looked about her at the maze of buildings .
27 For the ten minutes before Clare arrived she leaned back and looked around her with a sense almost of satisfaction .
28 Janice climbed into the leather-scented Mercedes and looked around her with a self-satisfied smile .
29 Then Aggie turned and looked around her before making her way to an upturned box , saying , ‘ Oh , dear God !
30 Later he became less abusive and rather pathetically said that he kept himself to himself , that the girl was not roaming the streets getting into trouble like the girls who went to school , that company now would be cruel and shameful to an old man who had provided her with a home , protected her and looked after her in every way .
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