Example sentences of "and take off [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Some stories tell of botos coming up underneath canoes and taking off with the paddles , leaving a lone canoeist adrift on the river , while at other times the dolphin is said to have saved the lives of people from a capsized boat .
2 Perhaps it would have been better to use the subjects as springboards for complete fiction , leaving the pedantic detail — and the risk of libel suits — behind , and taking off into the story-telling stratosphere .
3 Masklin grabbed the Thing and took off across the polished surface .
4 Sharpe slammed back his heels and took off down the road as if the demons of hell were at his heels .
5 He had burned his bridges in Hollywood and took off for the seclusion of Taos to hide away , his life having come to another dead end , cursed by his own self-destructiveness and sheer bad luck .
6 It was flown by Geoff Dodd , a company pilot : ‘ I picked up my survival suit , cleared Special Branch , and took off for the Isle of Man suited-up and wearing a life-jacket .
7 Rex dumped the two-headed sailor-boy back on my knee and took off for the phone .
8 The bat flapped around his misshapen hat and took off into the dark .
9 Whitlock mounted one of the police motorcycles , kick-started it , then slewed it violently in an ungainly one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn and took off after the getaway car .
10 Or some pathetic tailor like Taplow being trapped in his little cage and taken off to the slaughter house .
11 The position of the runway and the topography of the island means that planes normally land and take off over the sea .
12 Picture them , Tabitha Jute and Marco Metz , as they walk out across the spaceport tarmac this chilly Schiaparelli evening , to climb aboard the not-quite-redeemed Alice and take off into the Martian sky , bound on a journey that will take them to Plenty — and far , far beyond .
13 The time-travellers manage to escape from the Aridians and take off in the TARDIS , but the Dalek time-ship is in hot pursuit .
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