Example sentences of "and out of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They presented a target thus for only a matter of seconds , though three of them fell in that time ; then they were hand-to-hand and at blows with the prince 's bodyguard and this was battle as it had formerly been understood between knights , and the hovering archers were crippled and out of the fight .
2 ‘ All join up for a conga , ’ I called over the racket , and soon we had a long snake winding its way in and out of the tables and finally through the door .
3 This allowed free passage of fluid in and out of the segment , confirmed by flushing the segment via a cannula in the proximal end .
4 He had prowled contentedly in and out of the vestry and bellroom while she got on with her chores , had watched critically while she had arranged her six daffodils eked out with foliage in the vase at the foot of the Virgin , and had viewed with the bland indifference of childhood Miss Wharton 's frequent genuflections , obviously taking these sudden bobbings to be one more manifestation of the peculiar antics of adults .
5 We believe that , in that way , Britain can pull itself out of the slump and out of the recession into better times economically .
6 I will sometimes arrange to discuss things on three successive Mondays , for example , or three successive months perhaps , because you never have to take a quick decision in a business , and out of the talking with people who respond to your way of working the right answer very often comes — the decisions mostly take themselves .
7 And out of the space came Tom the cabin boy .
8 ‘ The great thing about him is that he can fight in and out of the trenches .
9 Since morning he had been in and out of the kitchen where Maggie and Mona were cleaning and tidying and preparing for the big meal .
10 Sally Dade trundled backwards and forwards in and out of the kitchen carrying table linen , candlesticks , silver and cut-glassware in a bath of sweat and giggles , while Mrs Stocks , who usually only came once in five weeks for an orgy of washing , wept silently into the pan of onions she was skinning .
11 Albert was reading in the library because Mr Morgan was coming to give him an extra Greek lesson and Hepzibah was busy , bustling in and out of the kitchen with no time for Carrie .
12 When Marcus came in for supper , two hours later , Daniel 's Mum was still talking , to Stephanie , who was in and out of the kitchen dishing up vegetables and making gravy , to her son , who moved his weight cautiously from time to time on a dining-room chair and frowned and frowned .
13 Julia Watson , who evidently knew Giles quite well , insisted on popping in and out of the kitchen to help ; laughter and exclamations could be heard from beyond the hatch .
14 I ran downstairs and out of the kitchen door to fetch the doctor .
15 We drove down the tarmac and out of the airport gates .
16 We slipped along the now four-lane Al Ain highway , winding in and out of the sections which were still in the process of being built .
17 Very often , when I take a walk along the river in the close season and see a shoal of chub sliding in and out of the streamer weed , or merely lying near to the surface , ready to suck in a floating insect , I imagine I have a rod with me and I want to catch one of those chub .
18 Nevertheless , experience in a training unit does open up a wide range of career prospects , both in and out of the Services .
19 Chairman I think I have to offer an apology to members and Mr in particular and the town of Bungay with a rather erm over which sentence expressing the press release , I mean we are continually trying to issue news items , press releases , progress reports and anything we 're doing and usually the press are very good and quoted for a basis , sometimes they get it wrong and mangle it up with some bits of disaster , on this occasion that is not the case , the , the actual press report did determine the phraseology used in my in lease them so I have to accept the responsibility for the phrase to act of your recommended this morning so it down sake , could abandon ideas which they can buy it , of course those crazy ideas used in and out of the court is what matters .
20 Charlotte realized he was still stage-managing their encounter , moving Holly into and out of the wings as and when it suited him .
21 Then we shall head due south again on the same road , passing into the Ukraine and out of the hills .
22 Though punctuated by frequent flash-backs to the period before , during and just after the war , temporal progression in the present is clearly marked by the development of two narrative lines which weave their ways in and out of the novel .
23 In and out of the camp Billy made sure that his camp and his model of the people 's pleasures were always in the public eye .
24 Hurrying from the bathroom , she ran downstairs and out of the cottage .
25 Boxer was forced to reduce pace at this point by the congestion of traffic in and out of the Barracks .
26 Then , in Capital , Marx attempts to break through and out of the veil of economic ideology , and he does this by showing that the way the economy is usually talked about hides the real basis of society and served to maintain the exploitation on which it rests .
27 The moment the alarm clock went off Maggie was up and out of the cavity bed she slept in .
28 With a muttered curse Fen was on his feet and out of the cabin .
29 These groups have transformed the process of policy-making from rather closed networks of autonomous groups composed of members of the legislature , the executive and groups associated with the iron triangle' imagery ( referring to a stable set of relationships between a small number of powerful groups , federal agencies and Congressional committees ) to a fluid set of issue networks ' , in which ‘ a large number of participants with quite variable degrees of mutual commitment … move in and out of the networks constantly ’ .
30 There was no dignified way to deal with this : I turned and fled to the bathroom and out of the window .
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