Example sentences of "and out into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The clerk , however , had slipped quickly down the stairs and out into the courtyard where Ranulf and Maltote were waiting .
2 She was through the door and out into the courtyard within seconds but Ana had already gone and all Maggie could do was follow .
3 I knotted a headscarf round my throat so savagely I nearly choked myself , and crept — I had to creep , because of Mavis — downstairs and out into the fog .
4 Ice floes circulate with it across the Pole from eastern Siberia toward Ellesmere Island , Greenland , and out into the north Atlantic Ocean , mostly along the east Greenland coast .
5 There was only one on duty today and I waited till he turned and moved to the back of the room then I walked quietly past him and out into the square .
6 Then he was leading her across the terrace and through the open doors of the villa , across the drawing-room and out into the hall .
7 My tiredness had now almost disappeared as I made my way along the drive of Brigade H.Q and out into the village .
8 Aggie now walked heavily through the market room and out into the yard .
9 Together , the women led a vaguely protesting Dauntless from the house and out into the yard .
10 As the other four offered their own inimitable advice , the police hustled the Celtic defender downstairs and out into the streets where he was thrown over the bonnet of a police car .
11 ‘ Managers were proud to lead their staff into dispute and out into the streets over the years ; unfortunately , very many of them became the pit bull terriers of 1992 ’ .
12 Conditions are jolly hot there , and they 're going to have to get used to that quite quickly , the big thing is to get them through and out into the desert as quickly as possible .
13 Stephen walked on alone and out into the quiet of Kildare Street .
14 Brother Jerome 's vengeful and unsatisfied mutterings trailed away to the south door , and out into the chill of the evening .
15 She crept under the gate and out into the lane .
16 The Rhine rises in the Swiss Grisons , forces its way north-west , forming for part of its course the border between Switzerland , Liechtenstein and Austria , enters the Bodensee ( Lake Constance ) in the south-east , flows through part of the lake , then out into the Untersee , over the falls to Basle , then north up through Germany on its long journey to Holland and out into the North Sea .
17 Then she ran from the cloakroom , down the narrow dark passage and out into the night .
18 ‘ For his sake , I hope you 're right , ’ Graham said softly then followed Laidlaw down the hallway and out into the night .
19 He saw it all reflected in the eyes of those blood-spattered gallopers and bears and lions and tigers and ostriches , all frozen in mid-stride , helpless witnesses of the terror they could not run from , and Preston trying desperately to escape from it , as much in terror of the mutilated corpse of Mary Moxton as he was of her murderer , and running from room to room and pulling open the last door of the last room and out into the night and down the long black tunnel under the railway line getting closer and closer to the grey patch of light at the end until , on the verge of safety , the figure would leap out at him in its bloody clothes with the meat cleaver in its hands …
20 ‘ He swirled his black necromancer 's cloak about her , and he carried her from the Sun Chamber and out through the great doors , and out into the night and none could stop him .
21 In the end , it was relatively easy to steal through the darkened halls of Tara and out into the night .
22 " It 's just a trick , really , it 's easy , " said Clara , and she took back the egg , and found that she could not put it together again either , so they decided to abandon it , and left it in little pieces in a glass dish on the mantelpiece with some dry and coloured gourds , and then they went downstairs and out into the park , and walked towards the bus stop , and Clara explained , lest the gourds and the egg should be thought to reflect in any way on herself , that they had been given to her by a friend the week before , to celebrate her twenty-second birthday .
23 They are on the bonnets of the jeeps , some are clinging precariously onto the sides as both vehicles speed away through the farmyard and out into the road .
24 She went downstairs and out into the road , and her eyes were bright .
25 Faces followed them as they went slowly towards the museum exit and out into the sunlight .
26 Then she had made her way swiftly across the hotel lobby and out into the car park where she 'd left her little Mini .
27 His consultations were conducted fortissimo and his guffaws echoed through the hall which was his waiting room , lined with an interested audience , and out into the street : ‘ BEEN TO ITALY ?
28 And she passed through the sweet shop with a nod towards Nan , who was serving a customer , and out into the street .
29 The burly barman , it might be he was once a footballer : he booted the man up and down and up and down and out into the street .
30 When we stopped , he told me that he saw Jesus leading him down the path away from St Luke 's and out into the street .
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