Example sentences of "and give it a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Because British intelligence has been reluctant to spy on a legitimately elected government and has also been forbidden from keeping ministers under surveillance , MI5 has welcomed the CIA 's intervention and given it a free rein in its British operations , always provided that it can share the resulting information .
2 But another judge will come along and give it a fine mark , but
3 A high six-iron was the mutual decision , since there was just a gentle breeze to hold the ball up and give it a good chance to stop quickly .
4 Cut off two , inch long pieces of gummed tape and , moistening no more than one-quarter of an inch on each strip , stick them on the top edge of your cartridge paper by holding the brown paper hinges and give it a good shake .
5 Grab a hold of that please , and give it a good hard tug . .
6 NEXT MONTH How to brighten up a dark hallway and give it a new lease of life
7 You must save the file and give it a recognised DOS filename for a permanent record of your work .
8 Instead he was confronted by the tall , dark man whose hand was extended ready to clamp on to the sergeant 's and give it a hearty shake as if he were an old friend .
9 A well-informed horseman simply had to grasp the horse 's head firmly and give it a sharp turn and back him out of the area that had been contaminated by the jading substance .
10 For instance , Stravinsky 's Symphonies of Wind Instruments ends with nine bars based on the chord progressions E minor , D minor , and C major , but by adding foreign diatonic notes to each chord he forms small clusters which obscure the harmony and give it a mysterious fascination .
11 Finally , with the government now reinstalled , all that remains is to overhaul Central Office , and give it a thorough spring cleaning .
12 All I considered necessary was to simplify the design of the icon and give it a different colour scheme .
13 All you do is apply it to a cleansed bare face and give it a few hours to work .
14 They take hold of the club and give it a few waggles .
15 We 're all going to go out there and give it a billion per cent every night .
16 What we 're trying to do is to write cricket bats , so that when we throw up an idea and give it a little knock , it might … travel …
17 a thin transparent plastic coating applied to paper or board to provide protection and give it a glossy finish .
18 I mean they wo n't say sand and salt , they 'll say something which is insoluble and give it a horrible chemical name
19 It is wise to wash all media thoroughly and to give it a good visual inspection for foreign objects and contaminants .
20 Unsuccessful attempts were made in April to broaden Poland 's governing coalition , and to give it a stronger majority in parliament which would enable it to push through its budget proposals and economic reforms .
21 I think that 's what Priest , I mean I do n't know , Priest probably has a whole history of how he got is Esquire style , but Vincent went over there and had something to do with it , and I really think that taking the old style stuff and giving it a new spin helped , and the difference between what we 're doing and what the California crowd was doing — and this was also the time of punk rock — was that we were using traditional typefaces and they were
22 Have you ever watched seasoned knitted diving into cartons of yarn , coming up with a cone and giving it a good sniff ?
23 So I settled for dusting off his shoulder and giving it a quick squeeze .
24 After gingerly retrieving his whistle from the offending item and giving it a quick clean-up , McNally was immediately called on to blow it when he awarded a drop goal after a free-kick .
25 Then she held out her hand to Eileen and gave it a strong clasp that made her wince .
26 She walked out of the front door and gave it a satisfying slam behind her .
27 She had been a regular person once , but that had been before the voices started up in her head , before the dead woman got out of her rocking chair , before the preacherman reached into her mind and gave it a sharp twist …
28 Kate Melville and Sue d'Argy Smith , whose daughters left the Church , as so many do , just before they became nubile , each took a hand and gave it a sharp pull , and over their heads came the long arms of Gordon the Bachelor , whose fingers stroked my hair , as countless other key personnel in the body of Christendom , South Wimbledon , stroked , shoved , pulled and all but carried me towards the stage on which I was supposed to pour out the secrets of my heart .
29 Rose whipped the sleeves of the shirt behind its back , folded them like double-jointed elbows , bent the shirt in two , and gave it a final press on top .
30 She unpacked a self-locating mine , punched in her identifier and gave it a simple verbal instruction .
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