Example sentences of "and then leave [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The imperial presence was manifest : those who attended had the advantage of travelling on the imperial transport system ; the structure of the Council mirrored that of senatorial procedure , the 318 fathers ( a traditional number — actual attendance was more likely to have been about 250 ) gathered in a hall of the imperial palace ; Constantine spoke asking them to restore concord , and then left them to themselves .
2 It is good because Léon Bonn at , a loyal son of Bayonne , first collected these pictures and then left them to the town , which responded by building a small palace in which to show them .
3 Yorkshireman George Duffield , whose previous St Leger ride was on a pacemaker 12 years ago , said : ‘ She just quickened up alongside them , and then left them for dead . ’
4 On Junction Buttress , Malc Taylor put All my Pegs in one Basket and then left them in the obvious overhanging crack , which is now E7 6c .
5 On private land , the State made the pomeshchik responsible for the collection of taxes from his serfs and then left him to his own devices .
6 That God created the world and then left it to a forsaken humanity , trying to address Him in an echoless void — this idea is n't new .
7 Brian needed to shit so I gave him a plastic bag and then left it in the bathroom .
8 A stallion that behaves in the same way is psychologically more threatening to us , but it is best to respond with tact — to stroke the horse briefly and then to leave it in peace .
9 And then leave them on the rack .
10 She just puts March ninety eight and then leave it at that .
11 If we could be sure that everyone in the community was equally generous , it might be possible to finance social services by announcing how much it would cost to run the Health Service per head in the coming year and then leave it to individuals to post an appropriate sum to their local health authority .
12 Well , you can bi what I tend to is is get a coat on er , first thing in the morning , another coat in the afternoon and then leave it for a week .
13 We thought that if women wanted to know about separatism they could read this , and then leave us in peace .
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