Example sentences of "and then [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Straighten the bristles after cleaning and wrap with clean plain paper , so that the bristles maintain their shape , and then lay it on its side until it is required for use .
2 Once the new house had been built is was often blocked in with a single course of concrete blocks and curiously enough today thirty five years later the modern method of building houses is to construct them all of wood and then surround them with a single course of concrete blocks .
3 Alternatively , you could create a small design as though it were in a vase or a natural spray , and then surround it with an archway of flowers This would then have no mount , but just a plainish frame , to avoid the overall effect seeming too cluttered .
4 It tries to deduce what , if anything , the author has to say , and then nags him into saying it clearly .
5 The drama comes from separating the tooth germ of a mouse embryo from the overlying sheet and then recombining it with the cell sheet enclosing the limb , but which would normally form skin .
6 The client , or the drafter , may be tempted to have strict terms and then relax them in practice , for instance by not insisting on their strict application .
7 You 've got to add the butter and the bacon and then fry them until crisp .
8 Bending , he took it in his and then raised it to his lips .
9 Paul Sharp , 27 , and David Sweeney , 28 , argued with the manager of the Step In Indian restaurant in Foregate Street , Chester , and then followed him into the kitchen , Chester Crown Court heard yesterday .
10 He began early , in Bangkok and then Dubai , had a week 's work-out with David Leadbetter in Orlando and then followed it with four straight tournaments coming into the Masters .
11 If you 're gon na separate chemically , say for example , you produced erm an organic acid which is optically active the things you would normally have to do is to use a base to make the salt of , you know , you make the two optically salt and then separate them by a thing such as fractional crystallisation and then we generate the acid afterwards very very tricky !
12 The simplest solution would be to raise grants to a civilised level and then to peg them to the movement of wages or prices , but this was not among the options considered by the government when it began to look at student funding .
13 Mortimer Cropper 's graduate students were made to transcribe passages — usually from Randolph Henry Ash — transcribe again their own transcriptions , type them up , and then scan them for errors with a severe editorial eye .
14 He would make me look at pictures and then reproduce them with coloured pencils , or else ask me to rotate a figure mentally a certain number of degrees around a given perpendicular before attempting to redraw it .
15 As they walked back to the car , he took her hand again and then lifted it to his lips .
16 Certain of his actions — including misleading the board over a transaction with Peter de Savary concerning a property development at Canvey and then concluding it without board approval — amounted to breaches of his fiduciary duty to Blue Arrow , the report says .
17 All the forceful tact Aunt Tossie possessed was needed to convince Dada that only champagne , the best champagne , would be appropriate to the occasion , and then to compel him into the stony depths of the cellars to root with Twomey along the half-empty bins where forgotten treasures spoiled .
18 ‘ Right , we 'll get you a hot drink — laced with something alcoholic , I think , and then get you to bed . ’
19 Build a raft and then get it across a lake ?
20 We had to put it in erm oh what did we call it oh dear a little vice and er put a ball , about three inches long and then er put it into the plug and erm put the cap , the little brass cap but also the I 've made a mistake there , before we did that we had to put the natural plug in and in that plug there were five like aluminium coloured er pins , each of a different size and we had to learn to read the key for the various depths you see and we had boxes of pins with the different sizes in and er then put those in the plug and then push the key in and but we 'd got to , we got to file , we had to file the bars and also the little brass caps to get all the edge the , I forget what we used to call it now , off the cap to get it smooth and then get it in our own vice and screw , screw them down and there were thirty two , there were three key keys to each , each lock , and er we had to file them until they were ready and they worked easily push the key in properly , and we also used to put black lead in , you could not put oil because they would have stopped the springs working and we had a little box of ordinary oh like the black lead that we used to black lead the graves , put some on the key and push that then and work it round , and that was the erm that was made it work freely you see and then there was erm a half a gross to each board , and three , three keys to each one and then erm we , we filed the various things ourselves , but then they would take that away from you and bring you more you see and then when eventually the keys had to be polished and it was only a favourite few that were allowed to sit down to sort the keys out to com to complete them you see , but it was very very interesting work and I enjoyed being there but you
21 I want you to do the same for twenty four and you wo n't get it all on one line there 'll be a lot of them and then try it for thirty six and when you 're really happy with twenty four when you 're happy with twelve and you can write all those out quite happily without looking at this try twenty four see if you know see if threes 'll go fives 'll go and sevens and everything else .
22 and , and play he said , and then try it for a , but he said you 've got to do it a few times
23 Okay so try it with twelve first of all and then try it with twenty four
24 And then try it with thirty six .
25 The women who were working there looked at me in a kind curious way at first and then took me for granted .
26 Towsie ( nickname for one of the foreign miners ) came and sat down beside me while the smoke cleared a bit , and then took me to the trench , which was full of red embers , roasting the rock as when you roast eggs in the ashes .
27 And she says her day with Becky and the team was a revelation : ‘ The Granada Reports people came to my house to film me in some of my own clothes and then took me to the Hillcrest Hotel in Widnes where I had my hair styled and my make-up done , and then tried on lots of different outfits .
28 Born in 1948 , his career in the Soprintendenze began in Genoa and then took him to Rome where he was Director of the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica in Palazzo Barberini for three years .
29 She even detached herself composedly when he was within , to have both hands free to drop the heavy wooden bar into place and fasten the door , and then took him by the hand again to bring him safely to the door of the undercroft , across the uneven stones .
30 I was the only one who could be charged with dereliction of duty , I Judged who I thought was the best : I selected them and then took them to my station — Warboys — where they were trained as Pathfinders .
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