Example sentences of "and they [vb past] [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She had filched a bottle of claret from her grandfather 's stock and they had been drinking it liberally .
2 There could hardly be a more serious accusation than these particular killings and they had been given renewed publicity by the secretary of state 's broadcast of only four weeks earlier .
3 In several respects , though , the fate of Black Fury had confirmed basic Warner Bros notions and they continued to pick up ideas for movies from the daily papers , they went on believing that social melodrama could be profitable , and they had been given further evidence that Muni could win acclaim by projecting himself as a hard-done-by but eventually triumphant saint .
4 A few Bronze Age artifacts were turned up in the dark soil , but they had meant nothing to those who had seen them , and they had been turned back into the earth .
5 It seemed incredible to Tug that only five minutes before he had been calling her Ma and they had been grinning at each other .
6 The Suffolk police had begun hunting up previous owners of Wyvis Hall and they had been alerted that a Verne-Smith lived in their area .
7 There was no covert there larger than an acre or two and they had been placed as much for their scenic effect as for their game-preserving role .
8 The two assassins had joined the crew of the navy rescue expedition which had followed the escape pod down from the survey vessel from which it had been ejected , and they had been prevented from finishing off both their intended victim and the accidental witnesses only because of the timely intervention of a Yek patrol .
9 There were things to be done , and they had been done , and everything was inexplicable .
10 Investigations into the activities of this particular gang had been carried out over a very long period and they had been kept under constant surveillance by our officers who were thus able to feed us all the necessary information towards a successful interception .
11 And they had been asked if they wanted to stay in the fort , since more soldiers had now been put into it , but they thought , since they could n't fight , they would rather go and hide with their people .
12 It was nine o'clock and they had been driven in by the mosquitoes before he broached the subject of the night before .
13 I think my parents were rather surprised at my reaction , because I was their first child and they had been following child development textbooks that said that children ought to start making social relationships at two .
14 They had been old German hulks you know ta brought over to this country after the First World War as part of the reparations and they had been finished off in Liverpool and Glasgow somewhere .
15 They told him that all had gone well until , between Roxburgh town and the castle , before which they were demonstrating , seeking to decoy Balliol , by chance an English party had come up behind them , presumably having ridden over the Border and by Kelso ford , and they had been trapped .
16 The " Open Skies " policy had been proposed by the United States in December 1989 [ see pp. 37112 ] , and test flights had been made in eastern Europe [ see p. 37201 ] , but talks on its implementation had effectively been suspended in May 1990 after Soviet expressions of reservations over militarily sensitive areas [ see pp. 37267 ; 38255 ] and they had been reconvened only on Sept. 9 , 1991 [ see p. 38458 ] .
17 As I said I I had been told that er he was associated with and they had been planning ar armed robberies in the past .
18 Previously , Bulgarian citizens had been allowed to own at most one apartment , a country home and a garage , and they had been allowed to sell their property only at fixed prices through the local state authorities .
19 Twice he had been torpedoed , and each time he had finally been picked up ; then on PQ 17 , when the destroyers left and they had been ordered to scatter …
20 Midday meal would be at 1230 hours , and they had been told they were excused duties for the remainder of the day .
21 The question they had to answer was quite simple , and they had been told by the seneschal that he had been told that it was an empirical question , not a purely theoretical one , though he had also said he found this difficult to believe , as even the mysterious powers and forces which moved the Wars themselves could not control such absolutes .
22 They had stayed to eat with the family of Chola 's former husband , and they had been feasted with raksi and rice and the meat of the sacrificial goat .
23 One had been in Cornwall , the other in Monmouthshire , and they had been loaded with margarine and tinned peaches respectively .
24 They were in a small audience chamber , and they had been excused the customary prostrations .
25 Only two others have been discovered in North America , and they had been opened in the 18th century .
26 The roadshow now belongs to the mythology of the miners , the leadership had made the effort , they 'd gone on the road , and they 'd been rewarded by a clutch of standing ovations .
27 Well in that case and they 'd been stopping them for us you see and er excuse me stopping them for us and whoever decided to speak to them has had his few words and that 's it carry on .
28 We probably lost them on the Beltway , and they 'd been chasing round the Virginia countryside trying to pick me up … those things only have a range of about three miles . ’
29 Anyway , er there was er the floor was six inch three inch floor boards and they 'd been danced and da
30 And they 'd been commissioned both of them .
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