Example sentences of "and he [verb] [pn reflx] to " in BNC.

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1 Archery these days is a sport like any other , and he considers himself to be an athlete .
2 This perhaps represents Owen 's line of thought with him becoming more and more emotional to the middles of the verse , reaching climaxes and then , as it is as if he questions this freely running thought process , and he limits himself to so much emotion by the end of each verse .
3 He believed the Lord could and would save him , and he committed himself to the Lord and trusted him to save him .
4 After school , he was waiting for me and he exposed himself to me .
5 A severe attack of pneumonia a few weeks before the entrance examination destroyed his university hopes , and he resigned himself to working on his father 's farm .
6 The country rolled endlessly beyond his sight , and he abandoned himself to the routine of riding , resting , eating and sleeping .
7 ‘ So he went down , ’ said Frome , as if puzzling it out , ‘ and he helped himself to the headmaster 's sherry . ’
8 ‘ But he loved us and he worked himself to death for us . ’
9 Being now unfit to work , he was left to spend his time as he pleased , and he devoted himself to reading , selling scraps of old iron and painting children 's books and shop labels to raise the few pence needed to buy the books .
10 His undoubted talents never blossomed in public life , and he devoted himself to an immense rebuilding and renovation programme at Chatsworth House , Derbyshire , where he loved to spend many hours in the library .
11 Although Price did not give his evidence on oath ( because under Swedish law an accomplice can not be required to give evidence on oath ) , he was reminded of his duty to speak the truth when questioned in court , and he declared himself to be aware of his duty of truthfulness .
12 As a general rule Green in his Guide recommends the skies be a quarter blue and three quarters grey , and he holds himself to this idea most strictly .
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