Example sentences of "and for [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Longer term financial and quality improvements were to follow major station redevelopment schemes , including profitproducing office and retail elements , of which the redevelopment of Liverpool Street and for which new plans were announced in 1986 is a good example .
2 He failed as a writer and as an actor but then discovered that the easily acquired skills of movie-making would enable him to become the artist and prophet for which his background had prepared him and for which Progressive America was so eagerly waiting .
3 The latter is particularly vulnerable to delays in deliveries for items which are used continuously , and for which minimum buffer stocks are held .
4 Sir : Young lawyers , like myself , will have received a circular letter from P. G. Malone enclosing a very laudable programme o events and lectures which his Committee has organised , and for which all credit is due .
5 On Nov. 7 , 1989 , the public inquiry chaired by Sir Anthony Hidden , a Crown Court recorder , published its report into the railway accident near Clapham Junction in south London on Dec. 12 , 1988 , in which 35 people died , and for which British Rail ( BR ) had accepted responsibility [ see p. 36502 ] .
6 This village is noted for the amount of sun it receives and for its long pebble beach .
7 However , the question of housing does require more extended treatment , both for its centrality as a material resource in the pattern of life chances of black people and for its possible role in understanding black pupils ' achievements in British schools .
8 The party 's most important electoral commitment was the creation of 800,000 jobs over four years , and although it was to fall lamentably short of the aim , the reduction of unemployment remained an important point of reference for the party in power and for its political allies ( see , e.g. , PSOE 1983 : 43–4 ) .
9 In this decade of evangelisation it is important for the Church to ‘ teach publicly on moral issues and for its lay members to become more involved in the social and political life of the country … that all members of the Church should take part in the Church 's mission of bringing Christ to the world . ’
10 2 A copy of the Program in Source Form , together with a complete set of all such listings , diagrams , logical flowcharts , diagnostic messages , descriptive texts and other documents as are necessary for a clear understanding of the Program , and for its future operation and application without recourse to human memory .
11 2 A copy of the Program in Source Form , together with a complete set of all such listings , diagrams , logical flowcharts , diagnostic messages , descriptive texts and other documents as are necessary for a clear understanding of the Program , and for its future operation and application without recourse to human memory .
12 The result was a resounding victory for the regime and for its new Constitution .
13 The Musée Basque has rooms also devoted to the game of pelota , which is a more various one in terms of the equipment its players either do use or have sometimes used than you would otherwise guess ; to the centuries of Basque whaling ; to witchcraft , for which and for its vicious suppression there was a vogue in the Basque country in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries .
14 According to press reports Karami believed that his government had been penalized by the West for its close links with Syria and for its strong commitment at the Middle East peace talks to an Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon .
15 It is valued for its ability to milk off poor grazing and for its polled factor , which is passed to all first-generation crossbred offspring .
16 Easily Accessible : Banbury lies on the edge of the Cotswolds and is therefore ideally situated for walking , but it is probably best known for both the nursery rhyme ‘ Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross , To see a fine lady , upon a white horse ’ and for its special cakes made from a 300-year old recipe .
17 take proceedings at its own expense and for its own benefit , but in your name , or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy , to recover any payment it has made under this policy
18 take proceedings at its own expense and for its own benefit , but in your name , or in the name of anyone else insured by this policy , to recover any payment it has made under this policy
19 But the fact that each group came into existence in its own time and for its own reasons , and found its own identity and direction , means that we need have no fear about it losing its autonomy vis-à-vis the other groups .
20 In the second place , possession is not merely evidence of ownership , but ( subject to the rights of the owner ) is itself and for its own sake entitled to legal protection .
21 Laon , built 1160–1225 , is noted especially for its west façade , a masterpiece , which is less static than Notre Dame , and for its magnificent towers and rose window .
22 The mill became known as Millend Maltings and for its malted biscuits ; it was gutted by fire .
23 The image is stunning , both for its bold conception — starting at the end of the play and therefore reinforcing the fatalistic inevitability of the star-crossed lovers ' fates — and for its self-conscious echoes of Soviet director Sergei Eisenstein 's graphic silent movie style .
24 The church is lovely , both in itself and for its bucolic setting .
25 The familiarity of their London setting accounted , perhaps , both for their easy assimilation into the literary world and for their contemporary readers ' lack of genuine interest in the more esoteric themes they raise .
26 On behalf of the Council I would like to offer sincere congratulations to and for their recent successes in the Britain in Bloom competition .
27 There are three types of dog food in the Omega range : Omega Tasty — a ring shaped general purpose food for the majority of home owned dogs ; Omega Extra — a cross shaped concentrated food for working and sporting dogs , breeding and lactating bitches ; and Omega Puppy , a high nutrient food for weaning puppies from their mother and for their early months .
28 With qualifications for interpreting provided by an assessment board and now through training at college level , and with the emergence of full-time workers , interpreters have reached professional status and have set out guidelines for their profession and for their deaf users .
29 Egalitarian feminist psychologists sometimes argue against the assimilation of feminists into existing psychological professions , and for their separate organization .
30 But if it sometimes seems to be saying , on Salim 's behalf , that race or kinship wins , it is also the case that it is full of losers , that it has a lively feeling for the Africans of market and bush , and for their African troubles , and for the situation of Salim as someone evolved or emerged from a tribal narrowness to an experience of sexual love which is liberating and dramatic , and that it does justice to Metty 's last state , left behind in the dangerous town at the bend in the river .
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