Example sentences of "and i [verb] down [art] " in BNC.

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1 When she first stood in for Terry Wogan she insisted , ‘ I love standing in for Wogan but I 'm honestly not looking for The Sue Lawley Show with my name in lights and me swooping down a staircase . ’
2 The one you 're walking out with , the one Gazzer and me saw down the prom . ’
3 It was n't the only operation that went into the shredder at that time — you could figure that for yourself So Arnie went to London and closed it off wiped our prints off everything and I shut down the Langley end .
4 And I play on the mountains and I slide down the slag heap . ’
5 Susan and I sauntered down the aisle and took seats a few rows back .
6 And I went down a few hundred yards again .
7 And when I er went to go on me own er I still wanted to keep in the union and I went down the Locksmiths ' union , which was in the market place , and they said they er we could n't , we could n't have you in the union if you go on your own erm there 's another denomination or something , was something that you 'd have to join or something like that and be on your own .
8 Well er as I say , I 've always been a union member but then when I was self-employed it was different and I kept me fees up for a , to somewhere I do n't know what it was , but er when er yes , when er I was coming to come on me own and I went down the locksmith 's to see about it and they said er , what did they say now , they said you could n't do that , whatever it was , and er we 'll have to do this and that and the other .
9 I got up , washed , dressed , and Benjamin and I went down the great sweeping wooden staircase .
10 There was a lot of undergrowth to be cleared so Stephen and I went down the following Saturday ( 17/10/92 ) to cut down and burn the weeds .
11 The clock struck one and I went down the lunch in Hall .
12 Well that , that 's why I think I went down so hard when I did n't get that job cos she said , I , I took , I took the erm , I went , I was the first , to go , first of all I did n't put in for this job it 's one that 's been laying around since last September , I wrote to , kept to St. Mary 's for this mental health thing and I got in touch with this Mrs and she said I 've got nothing I can offer you at the moment but I , I will be in touch and I went down the job centre one day and erm , there was this thing to say that they wanted mental nurses
13 When Jean and I went down the toaster was put on .
14 As Reid and I put down the cases we were carrying , Reid uncorked the bottle and offered me a shot of whisky .
15 Benjamin and I slithered down the bank .
16 There were no lavatories on the station , or only filthy ones , so she and I chased down the line and out to the fields every ten minutes or so — poor Mig , she was so good and patient .
17 I 've seen the video tape of Tom and I coming down the 18th .
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