Example sentences of "and it call [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But overall , the report says more information 's needed and it calls for a careful record to be kept of all future suicides and attempts .
2 Chesarynth felt conspicuous ; people around were staring at them , but it was the first time in her weary day 's travel that she had seen a box and it called to the echoes of firesong that the one on the Moon had left in her mind .
3 The administration in the United States ( which had never formally recognized the incorporation of the three Baltic republics into the Soviet Union ) on March 12 ruled out such recognition until independence had been properly negotiated with the Soviet authorities , and it called on the latter to respect Lithuania 's declaration , and on all parties to avoid violence .
4 It recommended that the honours course for full-time students should be four years in length , and it called on the DES to explore and resource such a departure — which was eventually to prove to be the pattern adopted .
5 It warned , however , that close surveillance of the border would continue , and it called for the creation of a " security zone " 5 km wide inside Iraq .
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