Example sentences of "and have the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The cornet is in B ♭ , transposes like the B ♭ clarinet , and has the same compass as in the trumpet in B ♭ .
2 This picture offers us a useful parallel with the Handel portrait dating from about 1728 and has the same kind of confidential candour .
3 Each copy is the same as the original , and has the same properties as the original .
4 The other strategy has been to look for a species that is alive today that has physical characteristics similar to those of our common ancestor , and has the same lifestyle , and to use its brain as a model for the primitive brain .
5 Now if we replace the West Overton coordinates with those of Bishops Cannings church and recalculate our slope value , and if it is the same as that between the centres and has the same starting point , then a line joining the centres will have been proved to extend through to Bishops Cannings church .
6 The neck joins the body around the 21st fret and has the same fixing as the old EG. It 's a mortice and tenon joint with the hidden part running under the scratchplate .
7 While Otley and Nigel squared up to each other Elinor emptied the contents of the envelope onto the table : family snaps , letters , postcards belonging to the Chatwins , the coat of arms well in evidence and having the same circlet of tiny flowers as the monogram on Tumbleweed 's handkerchief .
8 Fortunately , all such waves can be expressed as the sum of a constant term and an infinite set of harmonic sinewaves , the sinewave of lowest frequency in the harmonic set being known as the fundamental and having the same period as the original nonsinusoidal wave .
9 This shows the present-value profiles for two bonds A and B , trading at the same price and yield to maturity , and having the same duration .
10 In June 1259 it was to Edward and two colleagues that the writ was addressed which ordered the pulling down of ‘ the old fabric of the church of Westminster … as far as the vestry which is by the king 's seat … and to have the same church rebuilt … in such a manner as the new fabric there requires ’ , an order which marked the beginning of work on the choir .
11 Alain became interesting to his father when he showed that he was exceptionally clever and had the same flair for finance .
12 St John Nitch was a good and popular headmaster , who inspired his staff and had the same courtesy for everybody .
13 In this calculation , I assumed that if two women worked in the same office and had the same surname ( provided it was not a very common one ) but different Christian names , then they were sisters .
14 Clare and Sylvia did everything together , wore the same clothes and had the same hair-style .
15 The cutlery was from the same state factory and had the same design and so did the plates , the menu , and the waiters .
16 He simply announced that although Edward V had been recognized as the rightful heir , this was only because men were ‘ then ignorant of the very sure and true title which our sovereign lord that now is , king Richard III , hath and had the same time to the crown of England ’ .
17 He simply announced that although Edward V had been recognized as the rightful heir , this was only because men were ‘ then ignorant of the very sure and true title which our sovereign lord that now is , king Richard III , hath and had the same time to the crown of England ’ .
18 We have a very similar Northern background , are roughly the same age and have the same sense of humour .
19 These are the rhyolites , which are right at the other end of the spectrum from basalts ; that is to say they are acid , contain a lot of silica and have the same composition as granite .
20 ( 3 ) All other estates , interests , and charges in or over land take effect as equitable interests ; ( 4 ) The estates , interests , and charges which under this section are authorised to subsist or be conveyed or created at law are ( when subsisting or conveyed or created at law ) in this Act referred to as " legal estates , " and have the same incidents as legal estates subsisting at the commencement of this Act ; and the owner of a legal estate is referred to as " an estate owner " and his legal estate is referred to as his estate .
21 According to this law , both partners in a marriage have a duty to help each other , must share the housework and have the same obligations and duties concerning the raising and education of their children .
22 Special Constables are issued with warrant cards and have the same powers to make arrests as police .
23 Starring at the County Ground tomorrow is Kenny Dalglish and his Blackburn team … his very first match as Rovers manager was at Swindon … both clubs have gone up in the world since then but what Town would give to turn the clock back and have the same scoreline again … 2-1 it was to swindon Chalky White and Colin Calderwood got the Town goals …
24 There are transvestites , or female mimics , who look just like females , are the same size and have the same coloration .
25 Both strategies involve the same cost and have the same risk ( resulting from the unknown value of the cash index at the end of the year ) .
26 All firms are entirely equity-financed and have the same balance sheets : assuming that there are 100,000 shares outstanding .
27 Any fixtures supplied under a grant of a lease and attached to the building are usually part of the single grant and have the same VAT treatment as the lease ( Notice 742A , para 6(b) ) .
28 Fortunately , the couple agree on furnishings and decorations and have the same taste .
29 They are very similar and have the same requirements .
30 One of the problems it seems , that I can see about this , is that the little sort of semi- diagram , you could almost reverse the , the and have the same sort of problem in other words .
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