Example sentences of "and have then [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On his return from Scotland he had asked the French government to provide him with 18,000 men for a fresh attempt and had then visited Spain to seek help from Ferdinand VI , but , like Louis XV , the Spanish king was non-committal .
2 The USC had on April 18 repulsed an offensive by Siyad Barre 's Somali National Front ( SNF ) which brought it within 30 km of Mogadishu , and had then pursued Siyad Barre and 1,200 of his supporters to the Kenyan border .
3 He had started by ‘ snorting ’ Temgesic tablets and had then allowed Murray to inject him with the drug .
4 Psychologists have broken down ‘ real ’ jobs into a series of ‘ simple ’ components and have then devised tests for assessing these simpler components .
5 Landowners have bought old farms for use as holiday homes and have then claimed planning permission to house local workers , provide employment and manage the land .
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