Example sentences of "and if [pron] have been " in BNC.

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1 The land that formed the estate and the acre John owned in the city centre are now important parts of Sydney and if they had been retained in Piper ownership until developed , his descendants could have been fabulously rich .
2 And if they had been discussed then he might not have gone .
3 It was nearly a year since Dunkirk , and if they 'd been going to come , surely they 'd not have waited this long .
4 There was so much to say , and if they 'd been face to face she would have poured it all out , but as it was …
5 and if they 've been there , people have been really nice to them
6 And if they 've been malnourished since they were kids , they 're often slow in learning and remembering .
7 And if they have been on the market the terms have often been unreasonable , with little attempt made to advertise them .
8 At a later stage one might , for some reason , want to prevent the other side using reports disclosed to them voluntarily as part of their case , and if they have been put in the wrong part of the list of documents the right to do so will have been lost .
9 We 've not given anything away and if we 've been affected by other pressures — England , injuries and the like — then okay .
10 And if we 've been filled with the Holy Spirit , then we should have the evidence to go with it .
11 It has never been able to serve as a unifying force and if anything has been more of a divider .
12 If she had been cheerful , she would grow sad , and if she had been depressed , she would grow bad-tempered .
13 She 'd automatically assumed that it was from Ryan , only of course it was n't , and if she had been thinking rationally before she would have known it could n't possibly have been from him .
14 Suzi was never going to backpack round the world or become a rock star , and if she had been forced to go and live away from home — to study nursing , for instance — she 'd have mouldered away from homesickness .
15 Rachel 's heart skipped a beat at her first sight of him and if she had been trying to delude herself that David had asked her along purely for the sake of her new friends she was forced to dismiss it as his gaze met hers .
16 Sometimes I enjoy it , it depends what mood I 'm in , and if she 's been playing up .
17 The experts say that for a woman over about 40 , SERPS is definitely going to be better , and if she has been paying into a contracted out PP scheme up to that time , she should change over then .
18 If an effective will to de-alienate Northern protestants in their attitudes to the republic existed , and if there had been a real change in the Irish catholic hierarchy 's position on such matters , then they would indeed have taken positive steps to support FitzGerald 's attempt to introduce such constitutional changes .
19 When I finally got through to Taff to enquire about what sort of night he had had , and if there had been many casualties during the barrage , his reply was rather matter of fact .
20 And if there had been a degree of sympathy with the other defeated peoples — a doubtful claim , it has to be said , particularly with regard to the Poles — in this case ‘ the entire population took the view that England should at all costs be destroyed ’ .
21 And if there had been no synthetic drugs to control the resistant strains , would the decline of streptomycin have been taken to prove that antibiotics were a waste of time because organisms adapted to them too easily ?
22 He has a good action and if there had been anything wrong with the ball , he would have swung it too .
23 She had given him no opportunity to indicate that there was an old friend with him — not that there was , at that point , but there might have been , and if there had been , it was hardly his fault if Alexandra had chosen to come knocking on the door without giving him a chance to explain — and then getting stroppy when she found someone had got there before her .
24 This was the first time they 'd been out together since the alleged phone-calls , and if there 'd been any more since then she had n't mentioned it .
25 The second wave occurs at puberty when the young person looks for a sexual partner , and if there has been minimum conflict during the phallic phase this is of the opposite sex .
26 Matters of town planning , of course , and all local land charges that are exempt from registration are the same as in unregistered conveyancing , and if there has been any development of the property you 'll need to satisfy yourself before exchange that formal town planning and by-law permits will be handed over or inspected on completion .
27 It 's a screen about this big right and you put it on your dashboard and plug it in to your cigarette lighter and er it 's like a control centre and if there 's been a crash
28 To which I replied , ‘ This is not the substance of what he said , and if it had been the substance he would have divided the Cabinet ’ ' ( 15 December 1964 ) .
29 Also , one of my carers — who is very caring , goes all the time , does the work for the person — is very young and quite quiet , and I feel … well last week a doctor came in to see her client , and if it had been one of the older carers I 'm sure they would have had a go at the doctor and forced him to do more than he actually did .
30 However that avenue was never explored to its end ; and if it had been , one may doubt whether many readers would have grasped the total effect .
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