Example sentences of "and we did n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Er we thought we could work to it and we thought we had a different rule for timekeeping er and we did n't check the calculations .
2 so we did n't open yours , and when you left , I thought oh no , they 're gon na think we 're really rude , because we still got their bottle of wine , and we did n't drink it .
3 And we did n't go to see him .
4 It was freezing cold and we did n't go inside anywhere .
5 And we did n't go there to cut them at all because they were right open , right in the open and there was ho hope for them anyway .
6 and we did n't go and sleep
7 But it was a lovely moonlit night and we did n't leave , it was about eight o'clock at night when we left .
8 ‘ It was n't a great trial to us and we did n't sit sobbing in a comer about it , ’ she says although other pupils remember Diana as a ‘ private and controlled ’ teenager who did not wear her emotions on her sleeve .
9 It was a long way and we did n't talk .
10 Competition was very tough and we did n't manage to win but it was a very good week .
11 At that stage it would have been easy to have got carried away and think that the Cup was won but I made a point of saying that " A wise man does n't count his chickens " and we did n't do that .
12 And we did n't do this
13 All I did was wash up and we did n't do anything else .
14 then , then we got the sport and we did n't do so well on that .
15 ‘ The key phrase is ‘ seeking to gain an advantage ’ , and we did n't think he was , ’ said the referee .
16 Everybody knew the blind fiddler and he had always his kilt on and But after a while , I do n't know , the next time he came round I mind he had trousers on and we did n't think he was the same man at all , no .
17 But then of course the difficulty arises because these are difficult times , there is a recession , people are losing their jobs day by day and we did n't think it was appropriate to start applying some guillotine on people 's election rights and their membership of the committee .
18 and we did n't think , and sort of , then we realized that had to sort of like turn it off and that might help a bit , but boiling water , we 're trying to stop it with our finger .
19 ‘ We sent money home to our mothers and brothers and we did n't care if we did n't have a social life .
20 making the dishes rattle , and we did n't stop them
21 I 'm sure it was you who brought it , and we did n't open it because we were eating , we wanted to have the opposite colour to what you brought , that what you
22 During the first few days people left their houses for fear of being bombed by Pippo , but quite soon he became part of our lives and we did n't bother about him any more .
23 And we did n't bother , we could n't do anything much for these rabbits and try and kill them you know , as much as we could aye .
24 ‘ But we were all in our twenties , taking it very seriously , and we did n't feel we could take a chance with someone still at school .
25 We did n't feel brave at all it was just , we lived there and we did n't feel under any kind of threat .
26 ‘ However , we were n't able to make that recommendation — although the geology is unusual and the forests have been opened up by gold miners , it is n't under desperate threat and we did n't feel that the area was of particular conservation value . ’
27 Yeah , at the beginning was when sort of got twenty minutes left to do it erm we were fine there and I think it was the beginning part was and then we started panicking then like sort of after that you said oh do you want five minutes or more and we all sort of looked at each other you know and we did n't feel that we had enough time erm so we just sort of really
28 But party organiser Ossie Tortoishell , 78 , said yesterday : ‘ It was n't even 10 o'clock and we did n't make that much noise . ’
29 I got married twenty three years ago in China , well , we just invite er , invited er our friends , and er former school mates to ma , to my home and we did n't make any vow , er we just gave a banquet to the friends , and er , in China people now can get married in many ways and er some foreigners have come to China to get married in a traditional Chinese way , and they have to er , carry their bride in a sedan chair .
30 And we did n't make them up .
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