Example sentences of "and we [verb] the good " in BNC.

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1 Quite recently the Environmental Department has become semi-autonomous with Russell Jones as its Chief Environmental Health Officer and we know the good work which Russell has done over the years .
2 ‘ PR involves voting for the least worst , and we want the best for the country as a whole .
3 A spokesman said : ‘ We have to attract people on a global basis and we want the best .
4 The same is true of the health service , the more the private health educa the pri private health welfare comes in , the less chance there is of people who are , who are articulate and people who count in British society start speaking up with the rest of us and saying come on we we 've got a common interest and a common stake in this service and we want the best po for for everybody and the same will start happening in housing if you get your way .
5 There 's this guy I 'm hoping to see in Paris this week is Vincent Winter who is the designer of Rolling Stone and we worked the best of everybody here off of each other .
6 And we have the best people for that .
7 Erm we feel that er in that circumstance the proposals should be retrospective erm and we find the Good Committees er comment on this singularly unhelpful , in that all they say is we do not accept that retrospective implementation of the compensation scheme is appropriate full stop .
8 The quality of our people have to be second to none and so our only asset would again be sensible to ensure that the best people , that we recruited the best people and we retained the best people and we wanted to be profitable , wanted to be lean and mean , hungry and er any profitable organisation is going to be a better organisation as a result of improved profitability and we then finally wanted to improve the quality of our image out there in the market place , we were seen and at least that was I think the Department , certainly my perception we were seen er as being a sort of gentle giant out there .
9 We traditionally take two wicket keepers on tour , Alec Stewart is one of them , but he 'll be opening the bat and we need the best wicket keeper and someone to bat at 7 or 8 and Jack Russell is the man .
10 Bob Ashby , the chairman , said that Bettinson 's contract had expired ‘ and we wanted the best man for the job … and that is Maurice .
11 Bob Ashby , the chairman , said that Bettinson 's contract had expired ‘ and we wanted the best man for the job … and that is Maurice .
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