Example sentences of "and be now [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 Maccabi were Rosenthal 's first club and are now tracking the out-of-favour Liverpool striker .
2 The county council acknowledge its a dangerous road and are now urging the department of transport to take action .
3 Maybe it is true that the differences between women and men are genetically determined as suggested by Arnold Jago ( Letters NI 191 ) — and it does seem to be men who cause all the wars , poverty , oppression and are now causing the destruction of the planet — so perhaps Mr Jago would agree that there is no hope but to get rid of the lot of them .
4 The hospital staff are beginning to grasp the difference between CAB and social work and are now involving the CAB with more in-patient cases .
5 We conclude that an electrical signal is the underlying mechanism of the systemic wound response in our experimental system and are now investigating the relationship between the electrical signal and the wider range of chemical agents known to lead to pin induction .
6 They especially fear that a bridge across the beck at Iburndale near Whitby is threatened and are now pressing the North Yorkshire highways committee to investigate the problem .
7 We have taken the necessary legal steps and are now awaiting the board 's reply . ’
8 Socata are aware of this impediment which is a handicap for serious business users in the winter months and are now offering the Trinidad with a TKS de-icing system , with electric de-ice to the prop which allows the aircraft into known icing .
9 Dr Bernard Whim , technical marketing manager , said : ‘ We have previously provided the process , plant and technical support and are now closing the loop by offering this safe , environmentally acceptable recovery and disposal route . ’
10 Having denounced the election as a ‘ stinking farce ’ designed to hand Cambodia over to Vietnam , they have suddenly warmed to the democratic ideal and are now denouncing the CPP for resisting the result .
11 We have welcomed the DTI 's proposals and are now preparing the criteria on which the issue of such certificates will be based .
12 Environmental health officers have been called in and are now treating the problem .
13 Environmental health officers have been called in and are now treating the problem .
14 Environmental health officers have been called in and are now treating the problem .
15 He thanked all who had helped to make Tencel a success — scientists working in the Coventry laboratories , people who developed the technology at Grimsby and those who built , started up and were now running the Mobile plant .
16 It was also indicative of an air of fatalism hanging over Conservative Central Office , a feeling that they had answered all the questions on the examination paper without doing themselves justice and were now awaiting the marks with trepidation .
17 The US got the ‘ best ’ of the Cubans and Iranians , as it got many from 1848 ( Pinkerton , the organiser of anti-union factory guards was originally a British Chartist ) , and is now taking the cream of former communist states .
18 ESRC has funded some of the survey work and is now supporting the production of a book based on the project to be included in the series on the Inner Cities Programme .
19 POCHIN 's construction division of the Cheshire based building and civil engineering group has attained BS5750 quality assurance approval and is now using the package on the £24m Tesco dry goods distribution warehouse being built at Middlewich .
20 Priestley received £3,000 and is now eyeing the £30,000 first prize at the Embassy World Championship .
21 It need n't mean that Dostoevsky had been telling lies and is now telling the truth in the privacy of his own notebooks .
22 However , it is fair to say that the Forestry Commission has become more sympathetic to the needs of the land and is now encouraging the planting of more broadleaved trees .
23 In effect , Japan bailed out America — and is now facing the consequences .
24 We now stand poised on the brink of a great new episode in European evolution and I am proud that the party of which I am a member has taken our country forward and is now leading the way to a sustainable economic and political union .
25 The Nikkei index has fallen by 60 per cent from its peak , and is now testing the 17,000 level .
26 The smash sequel has already taken the United States by storm and is now doing the same here .
27 It jumped headfirst into the 1980s property boom and is now paying the price : the ebbing tide has revealed not only severe recession damage , but also gaping holes which should have been plugged years ago .
28 Fortunately , the Huarache has moved to centre stage and is now attracting the support and sales it deserves .
29 He played only 95 full games for Arsenal and is now peddling the last of his talent at Exeter , where he 's rumoured to have fallen out with manager Alan Ball .
30 All these cases are ones in which the addressee of the words ‘ I ask you to be content ’ has already benefited under another disposition , and is now suffering the indignity of having that testamentary largesse curtailed .
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