Example sentences of "and be [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 John could easily believe it ; be remembered how , when he was walking the route of that particular line , he had once asked for a glass of water at a cottage and been charged eightpence for it .
2 At the end of 1777 de Broglie submitted to King Louis XVI an improved version of the proposals he had drafted 12 years before while at about the same time a new figure appeared on the scene , the 39-year-old Edward Dumouriez , an able army officer who had caught the eye of the king and been appointed Commandant of Cherbourg .
3 He had served in the Georgia legislature and been elected governor of the state in 1970 .
4 Many victims have sought and been awarded compensation by the courts .
5 It had missed the lock and been driven full-tilt down the hard steps of the weir .
6 They have a virtual monopoly and are taking advantage of it . ’
7 So , so i i it 's peasants who have been radicalized by Party cadres who themselves are then becoming members of the Communist Party and are taking advantage of that position by getting more than they 're entitled to .
8 Colleagues , the C E C are recommending accepting with a qualification , three nine seven and are seeking withdrawal of three nine eight .
9 German firms say their only hope of staying competitive is to cut production , and are seeking co-operation among themselves to do this in the the most effective way .
10 We have both shed our school tunics and are wearing uniform of a different kind : blue jeans , and T-shirts and black PVC macs , which now hang like oil slicks on the back of the door .
11 These men and women always belong to and are made sense of only as a part of the collective — the race , the nation , the state , the republic , the class , etc .
12 where corporate information is revealed legitimately to an underwriter , accountant , lawyer , or consultant working for the corporation , these outsiders may become fiduciaries of the shareholders … [ they do not actively solicit or acquire inside information ] but rather they have entered into a special confidential relationship in the conduct of the business of the enterprise and are given access to information solely for corporate purposes .
13 Au these possibilities are recognized in EC competition policy , and are given exemption from Article 85 so long as certain safeguards are in place .
14 Indeed , these relationships survived and are influencing credit-financing of industry to this day .
15 We still have to travel in guards vans like parcels , and are denied mobility in most forms of transport .
16 Car-makers are pessimistic about an upturn this year and are expressing concern about the effect of a Labour government 's economic policy on the industry .
17 I have nothing but admiration for those hardy woodturners who have put the clock back a few hundred years and are making furniture with their pole lathes , but it has made me more than ever aware that the wood lathe has changed very little over the years .
18 The words come from one of the in-depth interviews carried out by George Street Research , as part of our extensive survey of 418 businesses corresponding to the overall profile of Scotland 's industrial and commercial community , and are considered representative of its attitudes to and uses of solicitors ' services .
19 Such holes hardly deserve the epithet black : they really are white hot and are emitting energy at a rate of about ten thousand megawatts .
20 Department stores tend to be based in city centres and are losing trade to out-of-town sites .
21 I am a second year diploma in social work student at Bournemouth University and am collecting information on service user evaluation of day services for people with learning difficulties .
22 " I 'm sorry , " I replied , " I forgot to tell you I 'm boxing against the Eton Mission tonight and am giving tea in my room to the boy I 'm boxing . "
23 He 'd have to say yes , because he 's sorry for us , I heard him tell Richard we were no better than waifs of the storm , and we should ruin the upholstery , and be taking advantage of his kindness . "
24 She says … he 'll get good milk and be taught discipline by his mum and wo n't get too attached to humans .
25 The Quebec government ordered the Army to dismantle the barricades on Aug. 27 , having refused to accede to the Mohawks ' additional demands that they be treated as a sovereign nation during negotiations and be granted immunity from prosecution .
26 16.33 Pupils should be taught how to handle , and be given experience in using , information and media texts of a variety of kinds .
27 Some people make a football party educational and hire out a hall and a soccer coach for children to have a party and be given advice on how to play the game .
28 A meeting of the home and leisure safety forum heard more than 5,000 youngsters will be asked what they would do in a variety of risky situations and be given advice on the best responses .
29 Here a skyscraper could rise to its full glory , act as a gateway from the west , take advantage of undeveloped land , and be reflected Manhattan-style in a widening river .
30 They had negotiated the roundabout for Lutterworth and the A427 to Coventry and were proceeding north on the A5 when Mr Woodward 's attention was suddenly drawn to what he first thought were three buses stood nose to tail .
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