Example sentences of "and be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The headman of a nearby village had saved the life of one of the Greeks and been rewarded by the Government .
2 Rioja told them that the victims had been caught in acts of sodomy and been condemned by the camp council .
3 One could not help respecting the man who still stood firmly for his rights , after having fought and suffered and been defeated in the struggle for their maintenance . ’
4 A renowned ( albeit not a very successful ) crusader who had been on three expeditions , he had met and been entertained by the ablest monarchs in Europe .
5 14–5–1844 " The Session considering that James Gibson , under process for the crime of fornication , ( with Ann Darroch ) , has submitted to the discipline of the Church , appeared publically and been rebuked before the congregation , and hoping from the professions he now makes , as well as the readiness with which he submitted to discipline , that he is penitent , do now absolve him from censure and admit him to the enjoyment of privileges . "
6 Its destruction and decay may have lodged in folk memory and been Christianised into the version we have today .
7 The tentative diagnosis was that he had been too close to Daine 's fantasies and been subsumed into the structure of the Dream .
8 This is exacerbated by the fact that capitalism has developed and been maintained throughout the twentieth century and is a very different system from that when Marx and Engels were writing .
9 In his day a College of Advanced Technology , it has since grown in size and been raised to the status of a university , but without putting on any airs and graces .
10 During my researches in the library of the Royal Geographical Society I learnt that in 1875 an Egyptian army commanded by Munzinger , a Swiss mercenary who had served under Gordon in Equatoria , had set out to invade Abyssinia from Tajura , and been exterminated by the Danakil before they reached Aussa .
11 There has been a national style revolution in Britain which has influenced and been influenced by the youth culture of football spectatorship .
12 He had applied to and been accepted by the Officer Training Corps of the university .
13 He , who had been fêted in Munich , had talked with the elector and other noblemen , and been treated with the respect due to a great artist , now had to take his place in the archiepiscopal pecking-order — below the valets , and only slightly higher than the cooks .
14 He could think of no man , or woman , in the village that he could have gone to and talked with , and been reassured on the question of his guilt .
15 the structural reform will create 3,650,000 losers ( i.e. their income will be lower than it would have been if the old system had continued and been up-rated in the normal way , and there had been no transitional protection ) compared with 3,190,000 gainers ( the Government claims that 5,000,070 gained ) while 1,680,000 people remain unaffected .
16 Most of them had drowned and been interred in the mud : even today more than 70 years later , farmers ploughing the fields unearth the bones of these unidentified men .
17 It is pitiful to see the agony of a naïve dog that has nosed up too close to a skunk and been sprayed in the face .
18 Tanzanian ministers had seen Kenyan and Ugandan television and been struck by the extent to which these stations relied on imported material such as Rawhide , Bonanza , The Lucy Show , Steptoe and Son and the like .
19 So Adam slipped out of Castell Coch at dusk , and himself carried the word to Owen in his camp in the woods overlooking Cegidfa ; and a beggar who had hung about the gates for some days and been fed from the kitchens went after him every step of the way .
20 With the effective collapse of the offshore pirate radio stations in 1967 Peel had come ashore and been swallowed within the recesses of Broadcasting House , and its bastard infant , Radio One .
21 Based in Whale Beach in Sydney , he has featured in ( Australian ) Penthouse and Playboy and been named among the country 's fifty most eligible bachelors .
22 Someone had undoubtedly been listening , and been caught by the abrupt ending to the conversation .
23 For a man who sounds like he 's been to hell and back and been burned along the way , Mould has returned to heal old wounds .
24 Davide threw himself on it to stop her pulling it off altogether with the bowl of fruit and the jug of water and glasses with it ; so they grappled , and in the contact something gave way , melted within them both and they clung together , aching in their heads and their bones as if they 'd been caught out on the mountains in the winter and been chilled to the marrow .
25 But something had gone wrong , he had been betrayed , lost a battle with the forces of chaos and been ejected from the real battleground to languish here , in this cesspit they called " life " .
26 Illumination of the social dimension of the revolution has at once encouraged and been complemented by the work of revisionist economic and political historians .
27 Royal protection chief Commander Bob Marsh also dismissed the paper 's other claims that the Yard had received information from spy chiefs and been told by the Palace to reveal Di 's movements .
28 She wondered what had been the outcome of Araminta 's promised confrontation with her mother , whether this Saul Quatt had answered the summons and been drawn into the inevitable altercation .
29 I have heard her voice and spoken to her lover and been walking with the Masai who was present at the farcical and tragic lion hunt .
30 The mansio was constructed in the Hadrianic period , following the evacuation of the nearby fort , but it seems to have gone out of use and been demolished by the end of the second century .
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