Example sentences of "and the [adv] [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A period of prosperity and relatively full employment gave unprecedented bargaining power to the chronically underemployed and brought successful strikes among this previously unorganized lower stratum of workers , including the semi-skilled gas workers , Bryant and May match girls , and the casually employed dockers of London .
2 In this film it was at Carnforth Station in Lancashire , amid the bustle of comings and goings and the steadily hardening rock-cakes of the buffet , that the entwined lives of that most English and most gentle pair of lovers Trevor Howard and Celia Johnson reached crisis point .
3 It is tempting to see the House on the Hill at Vasiliki as a half-way stage in development between the informal village plans and the rigorously organized plans of the temples .
4 In view of the high density of TNF α producing cells in active inflammatory bowel disease , and the well characterised effects of this cytokine , it is probable that TNF α makes an independent contribution to inflammatory tissue damage .
5 ‘ Love ’ ( in all its aspects ) is the theme of most of Hardy 's fiction and poetry , and the well known poems To Lisbie Browne , and The Dark-Eyed Gentleman are excellent contrasting examples .
6 Good flowering is dependent on temperature , the ideal being between 20 and 25°C but if growing conditions are too favourable when the flowering takes place , essential nutrients rush up to the tips , not to the clusters , wood growth takes precedence and the barely formed seeds dry up and fall to the ground .
7 On the bad side , the lack of a notch filter is unfortunate and there are a number of faults — the ‘ clip ’ indicators , the noisy switch and the badly imbalanced outputs — which indicate the need for some re-thinking at the factory .
8 Her wig , a soft gold colour , was dressed to sit high on her head , emphasizing once more the high cheekbones and the slightly slanting eyes .
9 Although it was extensively used to model figures such as the river god at Ham , most of the surviving pieces are smaller decorative items such as the pineapple finials in the south terrace at Ham and the richly ornamented urns at Killerton in Devon .
10 Hundreds of generations of goats have been subjected to these ordeals each winter , and the best adapted animals have survived .
11 In fairness to everyone it is impossible to legislate for the vagaries of human nature and the best laid plans can go astray with a single word in the wrong place .
12 Mr Hutton 's desk was a shaped piece of black wood with a single file on it , and the heavily bound books that covered one wall appeared to be held there by the power of faith , no shelves being visible .
13 Success or failure was in their own hands and the outward bound instructors acted only as safety supervisors .
14 He himself admits that both the continental staff and the locally recruited waitresses are skilful , but privately he regrets that it is no longer possible to find enough male British waiters , as he feels this would ‘ look better ’ .
15 Arguments of this sort which confused the " lower sorts of men " with the " higher sorts of ape " were not simply exercises in increasingly refined scientific discrimination ; they were closely meshed in with an ongoing dialectical debate , the original purpose of which had been to establish a synthesis between the theological doctrine of the Fall and the newly discovered facts of human geography .
16 By this time it was only the bullards and the newly created orders of masons that held the knowledge of the bull .
17 With Hartie mortally wounded by the vengeful NZRU council , Kirwan has now made himself available and the newly appointed backs coach Earle Kirton has been heard suggesting that ‘ King John ’ might be assigned a new role at centre , a position he is successfully filling for his second division Italian club Thiene who are coaches by another Kiwi , John Boe .
18 She sniffed with pleasure the fresh , clinical smell of the Scots pines and the newly creosoted palings .
19 Worst off were the private serfs , whose numbers grew with the extension of serfdom to the Ukraine and the newly settled lands of the south .
20 A network of diplomatic relations with the neighbouring capitalist world came gradually into existence , first of all with the smaller border states such as Finland and Estonia , then , in the 1920s , with Germany , France , Britain and Japan , and finally , in the early 1930s , with the United States , Belgium , Spain and the newly established states of Eastern Europe .
21 A simple , single school-room with an entrance porch on the east side , it catered for the children of Shawell and the surrounding villages until after World War I. It is significant that even such a simple building as this was not immune from the stylistic preferences of contemporary architects and the steeply pitched roof-slopes of the schoolroom are ‘ stratified ’ with bands of alternating plain and fish-scale pattern tiles in true ‘ High Victorian ’ fashion .
22 He is by no means a total social isolate for there are still occasions when work is carried out in groups of two or three , but contact is more desultory and the closely knit relationships developed out of lengthy periods of working side by side have become somewhat attenuated .
23 During this time it travels only five times its own length , and the widely spaced propellers allow it to turn in its own length at low speed .
24 ‘ You 're to go to Spain to write an article about the countryside , the wildlife , this fabulous hacienda and the carefully bred horses .
25 ‘ Oh , surely not , ’ he mocked , and the softly spoken words , combined with the look in his eyes , made her heart leapt with sudden violence .
26 Anna stopped and swung up her camera , angling it towards the shattered trunk and the grotesquely tortured boughs .
27 These differences are to be explained in terms of those contexts and the socially agreed constructions of how these institutions should operate rather than in terms of any supposed intrinsic qualities of writing .
28 Their proposals are subject to the official sanctions of the ( European ) Council of Ministers and the democratically elected members of the European Parliament .
29 May I remind my right hon. Friend of today 's unemployment figures for Wales , where both the actual and the seasonally adjusted rates have fallen ?
30 No , it is all due to the faithful old Sun going through it usual cycle of activity and the so called dragons turn out to be early sightings of aurorae .
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