Example sentences of "and the [noun] go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 When we , we using B H C vaccine in eigh er , late seventies , early eighties , erm , that caused problems because we had residues left in the meat , and the French amongst others found it as well , so there were , there were problems there , and the Ministry went over to organo-phos or to organo-phosphorus dips , they were the only alternative that they 'd got at that er , time .
2 And the grooms went round to make sure she was in foal before he took the money .
3 My heart sinks and the lights go out : the carriage doors are mysteriously locked .
4 As the film ended and the lights went up , Nicholson got a surprising reaction .
5 She had talked of a sex scene when she was on Wogan , but he assumed it would be something more romantic — a magnolia bud of a tit peeping from beneath bed linen as she held out her arms to her lover and the lights went down at the end of the play .
6 Nobody had told me what a cinema or a film was , and certainly nothing about the concept of an animated cartoon ; and I was taken into the largest enclosed space I 'd ever seen , into a crowd of strangers , put on a seat , and the lights went out .
7 We plunged floorwards , and the lights went out .
8 The hole in the screen coincided with screams and the lights going up and the immediate disappearance of the images .
9 And the nightmare goes on .
10 I stare at the muddied , warped little card sealed in a deal-sized plastic bag , recognising my own writing and feeling my mouth go even drier than it already is and I can only gibber something about , Well , it looks like my writing but , I mean , and anyway , somebody , anybody could have taken that , I mean … but they just look quietly pleased and the questions go on .
11 ‘ Barmen all over the world acquired a fair percentage of my money , ’ Jimmy regrets ‘ And the rest went down the plughole with various business ventures . ’
12 The pair would remain in the house , and the rest go out to the fishhouse .
13 This week the company went into receivership and the heart went out of the British fashion industry .
14 Both the Priest and the Levite went by without helping him .
15 While Yanto ordered the drinks , Billy and the girls went over to the big open fireplace .
16 ( They were not amused ; he was ordered to leave the premises at once , and the guardians went on to celebrate one or other event in their own way by providing extra diet for the inmates .
17 And the judge went on to criticise the RSPCA for the way it gathers evidence .
18 Now what I ca n't explain why , is that he starts with thirty two , now whether he sort of gets muddled up with the sort of the system of something I do n't know , but for some reason best known to himself , he starts with thirty two , and the continuum goes up to a hundred and sixty .
19 I look back now and think we are actually still doing that , not in the military aspect , in civvy street , we 've got people , real nice people , you talk to them on the street and you get them at the kill and the hackles go up , you can see the adrenalin pumping round their body , you can see the kind of excitement in their eyes and you can see the terrier men grabbing by the the scruff of the neck , bleeding and then throwing .
20 You could see everything that was n't visible out front ; the braced wooden frames of the canvas flats , the angle irons and stage weights that held everything in place , the fact that the ceiling was hollow and the space went on up to about another fifteen feet above , the gap crossed by a catwalk and a lot of cabling .
21 The drink made his lips and tongue tingle ; his throat felt sore and the fumes went up his nose and down into his lungs .
22 Did he and the Committee go along with my proposals ? ’ he added .
23 And you come over this hill and suddenly there 's nothing on the other side except a huge hole in the ground , and the road goes along almost a cliff edge the side of this erm hole which is this worked out iron ore quarry .
24 On the first day , Wisting 's sledge suddenly stopped , and the back went down .
25 Fucking lights flashing and the alarm going off .
26 And the storm went on and on and on ; when finally relief came to the exhausted crews , it seemed the only recourse was to turn tail and head for home .
27 Woman and the man went up the garden
28 She went through the door and the man went out after her .
29 Anna Harland walked into the room and the man went in after her .
30 A brisk nod from the Sergeant indicated an end to the interview , and the man went back to his paper work .
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