Example sentences of "and [pos pn] [noun sg] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 I can still remember the humiliation I felt as I heard everyone laughing at me , and my brother laughing the loudest of all .
2 Now , home from the Caribbean Sea , he was seeking a comfortable spot in which to retire , and Sinkport , with water all around its ancient houses and its church crowning the hill , seemed as good a place as any .
3 They have a 40% vote in the choice of the Labour leader ( with the party 's MPs and its rank-and-file sharing the rest ) ; up to 40% in the choice of parliamentary candidates ; and hitherto some 90% of the vote at the party 's annual conference , though this will come down to 70% this year .
4 If Rainbow seems high as a kite , half-delirious , with racing pulse and her heartbeat dancing the hora , it is only because the delicious hand of Riva now lies firmly clasped within her own .
5 The hunting expeditions had become more numerous ; more and more time was spent in the isolated , leisurely magnificence of Schloss Pless in Upper Silesia , or with the Kaiserin and her entourage taking the waters at Bad Homburg .
6 This may be more explicit within the public sector because of the fact of government organisations being led by politicians and their work involving the implementation of a political party 's policies .
7 HAVING spent all his working life in the pottery industry , a Wedgwood executive is setting his sights on a new ‘ career ’ that will take him and his wife exploring the scenic routes , cities and towns of Britain , America , Canada and Europe .
8 We noted the grim approaches ; incessant traffic noise in narrow streets ; parked vehicles hemming in the pavement ; rubbish dumps on waste land nearby ; the absence of green playing spaces on or near the school sites ; tiny playgrounds ; gaunt looking buildings ; often poor decorative conditions inside ; narrow passages ; dark rooms ; unheated and cramped cloakrooms ; unroofed outside lavatories ; tiny staff rooms ; inadequate storage space with consequent restrictions on teaching materials and therefore methods ; inadequate space for movement and P.E. ; meals in classroom ; art on desks ; music only to the discomfort of others in an echoing building ; non-soundproof partitions between classes ; lack of smaller rooms for group work ; lack of spare room for tuition of small groups ; insufficient display space ; attractive books kept unseen in cupboards for lack of space to lay them out ; no privacy for parents wishing to see the head ; sometimes the head and his secretary sharing the same room ; and , sometimes all around , the ingrained grime of generations .
9 The application was for an injunction to stop Mr Woodall and his partner using the name ‘ champagne ’ , pending a full trial hearing .
10 yeah , and your mother having the central heating on
11 Ultimately this will make sex safer for you both , with both you and your partner having the kind of sex you enjoy .
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