Example sentences of "and [vb mod] be [vb pp] and " in BNC.

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1 It exists only in use and may be imparted and acquired through apprenticeship and practice .
2 That is the sort of climate where unsubstantiated claims flourish , and must be challenged and put into proper perspective by the Chief Constable .
3 Traditionally practitioners have considered infant behaviour problems to be symptomatic of underlying disorder — that the problem exists inside the child and must be diagnosed and then treated with a view to a cure .
4 Sections 20 and 21 deal with the holding of partnership property as follows : s20 ( 1 ) All property and rights and interests in property originally brought into the partnership stock or acquired , whether by purchase or otherwise , on account of the firm or for the purposes and in the course of the partnership business , are called in this Act partnership property , and must be held and applied by the partners exclusively for the purposes of the partnership and in accordance with the partnership agreement .
5 But the imagination can and must be controlled and concentration on whatever one is employed in at the moment will counteract the natural animal instinct of fear .
6 The bill is accepted by the buyer/drawee writing on the face of the bill the word ‘ accepted ’ and must be signed and dated .
7 The document is almost certainly an investment advertisement and must be verified and approved as such .
8 The quality improvements we are already making provide a major contribution and should be recognized and celebrated .
9 Its cohesion was shattered by the rift between those who accepted the Communist line that the war was " imperialist " and should be ended and those who retained their previous belief that fascism could only be defeated by armed opposition .
10 From my interviews with the arts teachers during the survey it was apparent that , even though there were criticisms of certain aspects of the philosophy underlying the issue of examinations in particular , there was clearly a widespread belief that children 's work in the arts could and should be assessed and examined .
11 A marking sheet will also be included and should be completed and included in the envelope ( parcel ) with the Student 's written papers , and the sheet with the final grades awarded by the Tutor .
12 Ricotta has a very short life and should be bought and used daily .
13 Tumbler is exclusive to Suttons Seeds and should be sown and grown in the same way as other bush tomatoes .
14 I am well aware that much could and should be improved and reformed .
15 Apples such as ‘ Merton Knave ’ and ‘ Laxton 's Fortune ’ are very poor keepers and should be picked and eaten as soon as they are ripe .
16 Programmes should be arranged at times to suit those who are likely to attend and should be organised and tutored by the Continuing Education Department .
17 He also insisted that parents were usually the best people to bring up their own children , and should be encouraged and enabled to do so wherever possible .
18 The chosen tactics will vary from deal to deal and should be discussed and planned with the client .
19 Such projects are all worth while in their own terms , but they would also bring direct benefits to the construction industry and should be introduced and stimulated .
20 In many respects these are deficient and could be extended and improved , but it is misleading to suggest that no incentives to good performance exist except market forces .
21 His pupil , D'Eslon , formulated laws under which animal magnetism seemed to operate : it was a universal , continuous fluid , which was subtle in that it had an ebb and flow ; it was concentrated in the human body like a magnet ; and could be accumulated and communicated over a distance .
22 All this meant that for the first time all pupils were aiming for " A " levels , and could be helped and encouraged by discussing careers and progress with their masters and parents .
23 The idea that a player was bound to a company for the rest of his life , and could be bought and sold like a chattel with no real say in the matter , went out of the window because it offended against the principles of individuality .
24 Though physically a lightly built rugby player , he never hesitated to go for the top league and would be bounced and shaken regularly .
25 The new version of the bus , which meets the IEEE 1596–1992 interconnect standard , will be jointly designed by the two companies , and will be manufactured and marketed by LSI Logic , which plans to offer it as an ASIC core through its CoreWare Division .
26 The dive-bombing skuas , the screaming terns , the lovely trilling whimbrel and dunlin and the wailing divers , all are silent and will be seen and heard no more until spring arrives to warm the earth and banish the snows of winter .
27 ‘ It is emphasised that this paper is at fundamental level , and will be set and marked accordingly .
28 Right at the outset , perhaps we can read a verse from one Timo , er two Timothy , chapter one and verse twelve and Paul says there , he 's come almost to the end of his life , he 's , he will shortly be , taken out and will be executed and he says , for this reason I also suffer these things .
29 Yet more sweet scent came wafting from the generous drifts of white alyssum that softened the open areas of stone chippings in Cheshire Pink shade — a surface that makes a practical alternative to the conventional lawn and can be defined and contained by brick edging .
30 For instance , he can choose to work with the 4WD and diff-locks in the usual way — both functions have their own button and can be engaged and disengaged under full load .
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