Example sentences of "and [vb mod] [vb infin] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This will make them less decisive and may inhibit them from giving orders or taking charge of the situation .
2 The public good defence for performances which were proved to be ‘ in the interests of drama , opera , ballet or any other art , or of literature or learning ’ omitted the words ‘ or other objects of general concern ’ , thereby rejecting the so-called ‘ therapeutic defence ’ according to which pornography was claimed to be ‘ psychologically beneficial ’ to some persons ‘ in that it relieves their sexual tensions and may divert them from anti-social activities ’ .
3 It must be made clear to students that they retain their Compact entitlements and may redeem them for employment within Compact companies whenever they leave education , whether at 16+ , 18+ or after higher education .
4 They identify people who need counselling help and may refer them to the priest or minister ; they recognize their own rituals as important aids to grieving .
5 Service firms produce service products , but manufacturing firms also produce them and may sell them in connection with their goods .
6 Hence , these regulations penalise those unemployed who use successful , but the least observable , job search strategies and may discourage them from using those strategies .
7 Most rucksacks have quick release buckles , at least on the profile straps which secure the top to the body of the pack , and may have them on waist straps .
8 The 1919 Murray 's Handbook asked in a revealing suggestion that travellers should watch out for instances when third-class passengers were not treated considerately and should report them to the management .
9 The upshot , however , was that the British could buy the latest mark of Polaris missile without warheads , which they would provide themselves , and could fit them into five British-built nuclear submarine hulls .
10 It was quite refreshing to see and read that someone else saw these things and could articulate them in a better and more entertaining way than I could
11 In the Wessex Dairies case , it was found that on the last day of his employment as a milkman the defendant , whilst on his round , informed customers that he would soon cease to be employed by the plaintiffs , that he was going to set up business on his own and could supply them with milk .
12 Labour says that it will reverse every step that the Government have taken to protect businesses , and would leave them to the mercy of Labour 's own local councils .
13 Their toisech would greet them , in his cone helmet with its metal nose-guard and his tunic of ring-mail over leather , and would lead them to the wing of the army commanded by my lord Ferteth , their Mormaer , and my lord Gillecrist , the Mormaer for Lennox and Strathclyde .
14 And Zoya said she had got hold of the toilet rolls , and would bring them for Anna .
15 It was risky — the sentry would be sure to hear their horse as it picked up speed — but crossing the dangerous waters of the Severn at night was riskier , and would point them in the wrong direction for Winchester .
16 If you have such a group and would like them to be enrolled for membership please contact , who will require a full list of names .
17 The panel that he envisaged would be made up of their representatives and would provide them with a forum to air concerns .
18 It will thus be dusted with successive batches of pollen as they mature and will deliver them to other flowers on different individual plants elsewhere in its territory .
19 Harris Corp , Melbourne , Florida has formed a telecommunications joint venture with Shenzhen Telecom Equipment Co : Shenzhen Harris Telecom Co Ltd to manufacture and sell Harris 's low- and medium-capacity digital microwave radios and will integrate them with other systems .
20 Jesus our pioneer restores all things and will bring them to a glorious fulfilment .
21 Monie , who steered Wigan to four major trophies last season , has joined New Zealand club Auckland Warriors and will lead them into Sydney 's Winfield Cup competition in 1995 .
22 Under the deal , initially two year , Compaq gets to distribute SCO 's whole Unix product line , and will offer them on CD or tape .
23 ( 4 ) You may use the premises for the sole purpose of … ( 5 ) You will keep the premises clean and tidy and will leave them in no worse condition than that in which they are at the date of this letter and free from rubbish .
24 It is hoped that the methodology developed will aid both our understanding of economic and social time series , and will enable them to be forecasted more accurately .
25 Under the trust route the widow will be left the £1M of non-qualifying assets and will use them to " buy " ( by way of exchange ) the qualifying assets ( which she must hold for the requisite two years ( before death ) ) .
26 This is aimed at independent hotels , and will put them alongside chain properties on travel agents ' terminals .
27 ‘ We accept APLA 's declaration of war and will fight them with everything at our disposal . ’
28 When parents criticize or disapprove of what their children do ( when unacceptable ) , the fact that their offspring love and respect them puts them on the same side as their parents ; it means that they will take what is being said seriously , and will emulate them by beginning to criticize their bad behaviour themselves !
29 Ours is a Republic which cares for its citizens , and will support them against a common enemy .
30 In the first instance , IXI has taken HP 's drag and drop operation specifications and will incorporate them in its Motif 1.2 and X.desktop products .
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