Example sentences of "and [vb mod] [verb] [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 So support composite eight , composite ten , motion two seven eight and motion two eight three with that qualification , emergency motion number two and let's campaign for any effective policy for jobs and recovery and not this nonsense that is served up every week from this silly government .
2 It has greater power in certain areas than the House of Representatives , for example the Senate can vet all major presidential appointments to the executive and the judiciary and must concur in any treaties negotiated by the President .
3 I have n't been to a Leeds match for absolutely ages and could do with any info on getting hold of tickets , which parts of the ground need tickets and the best places to stand/sit … and park the car etc .
4 These stock yards covered 500 acres and could accommodate at any one time 75,000 cattle , I25,000 sheep , 300,000 hogs , and 6,000 horses .
5 He was only a voluntary patient , he supposed , and could leave at any time .
6 It is also likely to benefit makers of more expensive and complex cars , such as McLaren 's F1 and the Jaguar XJ220 , and could apply to any sector of car , not just the sporting machines that currently stand to gain in credibility .
7 He liked to be the centre of attention and would sulk in any gathering where people talked and laughed without him .
8 All the points raised so far are conceptual rather than practical and would apply to any publication method from hand-set lead type through to true electronic publishing .
9 The public would become used to high employment financed by permanent deficits and would object to any attempt to cut the deficit by raising taxes .
10 ‘ Regulations , directives and decisions of the Council and of the Commission shall state the reasons on which they are based and shall refer to any proposals or opinions which were required to be obtained pursuant to this Treaty . ’
11 3.13 shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable legal requirements and Export Control Regulations applicable to 's distribution of the Licensed Products and shall indemnify against any breach of such Regulations .
12 The terms of this order are to govern any contract between the Buyer and Seller and shall prevail over any terms put forward by the Seller , unless the Buyer expressly agrees to them in writing .
13 The drafter may try to protect his/her client in the battle of the forms by including an appropriate provision in the terms such as : The terms of this order are to govern any contract between the Buyer and Seller and shall prevail over any terms put forward by the Seller , unless the Buyer expressly agrees to them in writing .
14 ‘ HEMISPHERE ’ AND ‘ The Traveller ’ are more hard house than the usual techno artfulness that Container have become renowned for , and will fit into any set for DJs on the current UK house tip .
15 FORMER intelligence agent Albert Martins is a man obsessed with his corrupt wife — and will go to any lengths to protect her from herself .
16 White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said : ‘ President Bush will reiterate he wants a smooth transition and will co-operate in any way possible . ’
17 SAS is n't religious , he says and will port to any volume platform whenever it is able to .
18 These powers are very crafty and will look for any opportunity to get at us .
19 TSMDesk can be ported to an IBM RS/6000 and will run on any industry standard LAN and WAN system .
20 He is a talented lad who shows great respect for his elders and will play in any position I tell him to .
21 Hernias vary in size from a golf ball to a football and can strike at any age .
22 The cockroach has a similarly high-speed existence and can react to any attempt to crush it in a fiftieth of a second , while our own reaction time is a tenth of a second .
23 The breed in Sweden is strong and can compete with any country .
24 This work may start early in the day as is local practice and can occur at any time of the season .
25 Feeling sick is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and can happen at any time of day , not just the morning .
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