Example sentences of "and [subord] he [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 Ever since he could think at all he had realised that the class which exploited the worker in every country would fight to the last ditch for the sake of keeping the worker where he was and where he had been all his life .
2 Perhaps they had more confidence in Mortimer as a commander than they ever had in Edward II : Mortimer held the lordship of Trim ( County Meath ) in right of his wife and although he had been defeated by Edward Bruce in Meath in December 1315 , he had shown some skill in restoring order in Ireland after the Bruce invasion .
3 Passion had swept in then , and he had entered her , unable to help himself , clinging to her as she had earlier clung to him , and although he had been gentler than he had ever been with any other woman , she had cried out , and her face had twisted with pain , and Fergus had felt blood on his thighs .
4 Too often Kendall seems preoccupied with finding a place in the team for Alan Harper , and although he has been a great servant to the club over the years , Everton will only be a really good side when he is playing in the reserves , and I do not mean that as an insult to Alan .
5 He had successfully stamped it out in his own country , and if he 'd been rather too hard on the jews at the same time , well why not ?
6 and er they used to come to me and say how much does this man owe now and if he 'd been paying quite a bit next time he came in the shop they was all round him trying to persuade him to buy
7 Towards dawn , she said to his sleeping back that he loved his employers more than he loved her and if he had been half the man he thought himself , he would have left them rather than abandon her .
8 Before the Dewhurst Stakes , you felt sorry for his opponents and if he had been a man coming into a room for the first time , the rest of us would have looked round anxiously to see our wives ' reaction .
9 Invariably this works out at less than the cost of the repairs , because a vendor would be unlikely to reduce his price to the extent of their full cost — he would argue that he had already taken some account of defects and age when fixing the price of his house in the first place , and if he had been expected to replace all the windows he would have asked a correspondingly higher price .
10 And if he had been unconfiding , then so had she .
11 And if he had been away ever since he last turned up in the office , who was dealing with his post , and paying the quarterly bills ?
12 His father , Robert Robinson , 58 , of Sidney Street , Saltcoats , claimed that an injection given to his son in hospital by a senior doctor killed him and if he had been sent to the neurosurgery unit at the Southern General in Glasgow he would have still been alive .
13 During the interview , MacKie was asked to explain why nearly two million Shanks & McEwan shares had been sold with ‘ indecent haste ’ , after a meeting with the company 's chairman and if he had been told that Shanks & McEwan were going to issue a profits warning to the stock market .
14 ‘ In my opinion it is almost an encouragement to players to behave recklessly and if he 's been quoted correctly , he has brought the game into disrepute .
15 And if he 's been travelling for ten hours , how far 's he gone ?
16 Sabbath ! — a true Sabbath , a restful day , when all nature sweetly unfolded her beauty ; while man , unless blinded , must admire , and if he has been taught to worship , each look at nature would a note of praise call forth , and pave the way for prayer .
17 The plaintiff brought an action in negligence against the defendants , contending that , because the fire had been started negligently and because he had been injured as a result , he was entitled to recover damages from the defendants .
18 The plaintiff brought an action in negligence against the defendant , contending that because the fire had been started negligently and because he had been injured as a result , he was entitled to recover damages from the defendant .
19 In a small number of cases the defendant will have deliberately driven without a licence because he ca n't pass a test ; he is a visitor to Britain and because he has been granted leave to stay , he now requires a licence etc. , i.e. within 12 months for a visitor .
20 The king , Faud , was an autocratic character determined to exercise power in his own right , and since he had been installed by the British it was felt by Egyptians that Britain effectively underwrote his position .
21 And after he 'd been so kind , too .
22 Both relate to the social environment of the person with an established schizophrenic illness : while he is being treated for the disorder in hospital , and after he has been discharged into the community .
23 He said that the only questions under discussion were whether Ramsey was Ramsey and whether he had been legally elected .
24 Worst of all was the fate that befell a captured rebel general : he was flayed alive ‘ and when he had been flayed his flesh was cooked with rice and sent to his sons and family . ’
25 and when he 's been drinking he 's very violent .
26 He wants to know what the job of a Euro MP is , well he is applying for a Euro seat , I do wish him the best of luck and when he 's been there
27 this is how much tax I 've paid , this is , I mean if you go on the dole too unless you 've made a note of it there is no record of how much you 've been paid on the dole , they , they give John the what he calls a giro , takes it to the bank and cashes it and there is no , no record of and when he 's been on the dole .
28 30 " He was dead when he went in , and as he 'd been dead only for about six to seven hours , it could n't have been longer than that .
29 The young man lying there was short of stature , blond , and though he had been in the ground much longer than Erceldoun the body , though swollen and green-tinged , had hardly begun to decompose .
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