Example sentences of "and [v-ing] she [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He took her chin between finger and thumb , turning her face and drowning her in the warm amber light of his eyes .
2 It was Louise who usually attended to Miriam , bringing her a ration of water and helping her nearer the fire at night .
3 He 'd obviously put his own glass down , because he halted her by grabbing her shoulders and bringing her to a halt .
4 Nurse Bodkin bustled over to her and put her arm around her shoulder , making soothing noises and easing her into a sitting position on the bed .
5 She cried out and , seeing how white she was , he pushed her on to the settee , following her down and crowding her against the arm .
6 Nottingham Crown Court 's been told that a taxi driver sexually assaulted a woman passenger after ignoring her instructions and driving her to a secluded area in Clumber Park .
7 When the fish are placed in the breeding tank courtship will normally start within minutes , the male displaying to the female and driving her into the floating mops .
8 ‘ I 'll see you on Saturday , same time , same place , ’ Edward said giving her a quick peck and pushing her up the steps of the bus .
9 ‘ It 's no good ‘ effing and blinding ’ , ’ he remonstrated mildly , holding her firmly by the shoulders and inspecting her with a brilliantly dispassionate gaze .
10 Ross had taken her home , gently helping her out of the taxi and escorting her to the front door .
11 ‘ We will eat first , ’ Lubor smiled , parking his car and escorting her into a smart hotel .
12 Kevin Forman , 25 , of Bairds Buildings , East High Street , Crieff , Perthshire , admitted pointing a replica pistol at a female employee in the Clydesdale Bank , Auchterarder , on 24 November last year and robbing her of the cash .
13 SIX people accused of kidnapping a teenage girl and turning her into a human torch appeared in court yesterday .
14 Ross said , taking hold of her arm and leading her through the wide arched entrance of the building , towards a bank of lifts .
15 Then he was smiling and laying a soft kiss against her lips before slipping one strong arm around her shoulders and leading her across the beach back to the house .
16 He sobered instantly , taking her arm and leading her to the wrought-iron balcony .
17 He liked to reverse the situation of being led around the ring , by grabbing with his teeth his owner 's arm by the cuff of her coat , and leading her around the ring instead .
18 Rachel watched him and felt the dam burst , smashing back the last barriers to her soul , and flooding her with a rush of overwhelming emotion .
19 He 'd stood up as he spoke , and came to loom disturbingly large over her before spinning one of the chairs at the table and straddling it , resting his forearms on the back and fixing her with an unfathomable gaze .
20 Ignoring her protests , Marc pulled her hips hard against him , moulding her beneath the palms of his hands and forcing her against the silk-covered wall of the corridor .
21 Gradually , by walking slowly and shielding her from the wind as much as possible with my body , I cut the wings-open time to a minimum .
22 He imagined himself walking up to her and presenting her with a single red rose .
23 Without warning he grabbed her tennis racquet — which she 'd been swinging so nonchalantly and grasping her by the scruff of the neck , pushed her roughly over the back of a chair .
24 He could think of nothing but disguising himself and rushing her on a dark night .
25 ‘ I 've got plenty of cash — and charge cards , too , if it comes to that , ’ he added , firmly grasping her arm and marching her into the large department store .
26 He bowed slightly from the waist , an elegant formal gesture more Teutonic than Danish , before taking Gina firmly by one hand , the bottle of aquavit in the other , and marching her towards the bar .
27 He raped the pregnant woman , whom he knew , at her Wigan home last autumn , after suddenly losing his temper and punching her in the face .
28 Two days after Christmas at her home in Banbury two men pushed her through her front door … one of them punching and kicking her to the ground .
29 Turning to Omi , skilfully bringing her into the conversation , and complimenting her on the way the venison had been cooked .
30 He began with her eyes , capturing and holding her with a laser-like stare that probed deep into her brain .
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