Example sentences of "and [v-ing] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Affliction succeeds in taking the detailing associated with Raymond Carver-style dirty realism and fusing it with the pace of a detective story .
2 ‘ Like some coffee ? ’ said Wilcox , taking her coat and hanging it on the back of the door .
3 There were stacks of old art magazines , a broken easel , the white-painted bough which Elise had brought down at Christmas before trimming and hanging it over the inglenook fireplace .
4 Shaken off balance by her startling thoughts , Isabel glanced away , stepping out of her gown and hanging it over the table .
5 However , he is still obsessed with wood and eating it in the park .
6 Doyle seemed wary and the Woman had started to fidget with her long tail of hair , holding it in one hand and drawing it through the fingers of the other .
7 Some County Councils , notably West Sussex , already operate successful schemes of composting waste and reselling it to the public and surely Hertfordshire could do the same .
8 Indeed there is no doubt that in overthrowing capitalism , and seeing it as the source of all modern evils , the Soviets saw themselves as the true heirs of the Enlightenment .
9 Then one morning I did not go early for my paper , and seeing it on the mat Cedric brought it to me .
10 The plan for converting the large volumes of the mill interior into living accommodation involved retaining the entrance into the lean-to engine house and using it as the main entrance to the building .
11 We should be spending a great deal of our time making children into heroes , identifying good work , putting good examples of work on display and bringing it to the attention of others .
12 This shows that only by allowing the authority 's judgment to pre-empt mine altogether will I succeed in improving my performance and bringing it to the level of the authority .
13 Erm , the proposals there do , in fact , exceed the capital spend on new starts , and it will therefore need pruning erm , and the proposals that we suggested earlier was that , subject to any comments members may have on individual schemes that are here , and their views on them , we would propose looking at the programme in detail , and bringing it within the guideline figures that have been set , erm , and doing that with the advice of P A G before it goes on to Policy Panel and , and Policy and Resources Committee .
14 The main benefit of owning a garden , no matter how small , is getting out there and enjoying it to the full .
15 The procedure involves the purchasing party to a proposed qualifying merger completing a prescribed form know as a " Merger Notice " and submitting it to the OFT .
16 Like tying a bottle on the door and sticking it on the window and knock the door and they had to come , crash the bottle would go .
17 You can easily make the curls by twisting gold gift tie and sticking it into the cake .
18 Bursting a good big dam , or even just letting it overflow , is almost as satisfying as planning and building it in the first place .
19 Benjamin portrays the Brechtian drama as taking a traditional ‘ apparatus ’ ( theatre ) and transforming it through the use of techniques derived from the modern media : montage , interruption , critical quoting of everyday social ‘ gesture ’ .
20 Impatiently he finished the task , ripping the material from his shoulders and tossing it to the floor .
21 At this stage , a diagrammatic area layout is prepared , showing the ideal space requirement , and relating it to the space allocated .
22 For example polymethyl methacrylate ( Perspex , Plexiglas ) may be moulded to any desired shape by warming it to temperatures little over 100°C and cooling it in the deformed state .
23 The backing sheet is then removed from the film before wetting it and applying it to the window .
24 There , sure enough , I found the recipe for dissolving phosphorus in olive oil and applying it to the face for a ‘ ghost ’ .
25 This unit had been set up originally to refine the art of specific writing for Television ; either by seeking out works of literature suitable for adaption , or by commissioning new material and applying it to the ‘ TV-writing art form ’ .
26 Any finer detail required in the painting is achieved simply by mixing white with the appropriate colour and applying it over the top of the darker colours for an opaque effect .
27 Then lay the leaf on a tray of moist compost , holding it in place and pressing it onto the compost by placing several pebbles on top .
28 ‘ There , ’ he said , claiming her achievement as his own and inflating it in the process .
29 The action is set in a south London council flat of hideous squalor over the Easter weekend of 1990 , and it begins with a young man effing and blinding in a crescendo of impotent , inarticulate fury , before picking up a television and hurling it across the room .
30 He pictured himself smashing both fists down in the middle of the kitchen table , or taking a china jug off the shelf and hurling it across the room .
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