Example sentences of "and [v-ing] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Affliction succeeds in taking the detailing associated with Raymond Carver-style dirty realism and fusing it with the pace of a detective story .
2 ‘ Like some coffee ? ’ said Wilcox , taking her coat and hanging it on the back of the door .
3 There were stacks of old art magazines , a broken easel , the white-painted bough which Elise had brought down at Christmas before trimming and hanging it over the inglenook fireplace .
4 Shaken off balance by her startling thoughts , Isabel glanced away , stepping out of her gown and hanging it over the table .
5 However , he is still obsessed with wood and eating it in the park .
6 Seeing the latter in one-dimensional terms , and characterising it as a weak version of the more prestigious intellectual analogues used ( design as weak art or weak science ) , such models never explored design — cognitive activity from its own standpoint or in respect of its own efficacy .
7 Doyle seemed wary and the Woman had started to fidget with her long tail of hair , holding it in one hand and drawing it through the fingers of the other .
8 Some County Councils , notably West Sussex , already operate successful schemes of composting waste and reselling it to the public and surely Hertfordshire could do the same .
9 Instead , the wall was used as a reason for seeking conciliation with the East and accepting it as a fait accompli .
10 It has been stated that the principle of primogenital succession was increasingly observed in the eleventh century ; but there was a substantial difference between accepting the customary right of the eldest son to succeed , if he were of age and competent , and accepting it as an inviolable rule , as was proved by the usurpation of Robert the Frisian , and perhaps also by the succession of Raymond IV of Toulouse ( though here the facts are rather uncertain ) .
11 What makes the difference between seeing a picture as a jumble of meaningless lines , and seeing it as a picture of a landscape ? ( 194–219 )
12 This suggests that the difference between seeing a picture as a jumble of meaningless lines , and seeing it as a picture of a landscape , is that in the latter case an act of recognition , or of interpretation , takes place .
13 Indeed there is no doubt that in overthrowing capitalism , and seeing it as the source of all modern evils , the Soviets saw themselves as the true heirs of the Enlightenment .
14 Then one morning I did not go early for my paper , and seeing it on the mat Cedric brought it to me .
15 Child abuse is something no one would wish to endure , and using it as a sales/hype ploy is sick .
16 ‘ It was a nightmare , ’ Baldwin told G. M. Young , attributing the defeat exclusively to ‘ the pacifist ’ issue and using it as a reason for eschewing rearmament in the early days of Hitler .
17 Donna did n't manage to get her finger around the trigger but she did pull the weapon clear , closing her hand around it and using it as a club .
18 The plan for converting the large volumes of the mill interior into living accommodation involved retaining the entrance into the lean-to engine house and using it as the main entrance to the building .
19 The vulture is manipulating the stone and using it as an extension of its beak to crack the egg .
20 We should be spending a great deal of our time making children into heroes , identifying good work , putting good examples of work on display and bringing it to the attention of others .
21 This shows that only by allowing the authority 's judgment to pre-empt mine altogether will I succeed in improving my performance and bringing it to the level of the authority .
22 Erm , the proposals there do , in fact , exceed the capital spend on new starts , and it will therefore need pruning erm , and the proposals that we suggested earlier was that , subject to any comments members may have on individual schemes that are here , and their views on them , we would propose looking at the programme in detail , and bringing it within the guideline figures that have been set , erm , and doing that with the advice of P A G before it goes on to Policy Panel and , and Policy and Resources Committee .
23 The main benefit of owning a garden , no matter how small , is getting out there and enjoying it to the full .
24 Like the Eighties terrace tearaways in Britain who showed up for the match in Barbour jackets and deerstalkers , these B- boys were appropriating the ruling class style and parading it with a sardonic grin .
25 The procedure involves the purchasing party to a proposed qualifying merger completing a prescribed form know as a " Merger Notice " and submitting it to the OFT .
26 Like tying a bottle on the door and sticking it on the window and knock the door and they had to come , crash the bottle would go .
27 You can easily make the curls by twisting gold gift tie and sticking it into the cake .
28 ‘ We were raided on Monday by customs with the specific intention of confiscating it and sticking it in a zoo somewhere , ’ he said .
29 She remembered Doc Threadneedle suggesting she try sucking her finger and sticking it in an electric socket .
30 Bursting a good big dam , or even just letting it overflow , is almost as satisfying as planning and building it in the first place .
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