Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pron] about [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Rangers will help the area and visitors by advising , guiding and informing them about the Hills and the many interests to be seen and enjoyed .
2 Brown was found guilty after trial of assaulting Mr Kelly , 23 , by punching and kicking him about the head and body , seizing hold of him , stabbing him on the body with a knife and to the danger of his life .
3 ‘ Like the council , ’ said Constance , ‘ benefactors of humanity and kidding themselves about the perfectibility of man — silly bastards . ’
4 It depends on the simple and indisputable fact that ideas and cultural artefacts travel , hopping from continent to continent and distributing themselves about the world in the wake of migrations and along trade routes .
5 I thought about writing a letter to The Times and telling them about an important man who beat up his children .
6 Inside , members of staff were dressed in colourful beach wear , asking customers about their holiday plans and telling them about the Bank 's range of travel products .
7 In addition they try to contact homeworkers and provide Factpacks in several languages to inform them about local authority facilities which already exist — like childcare and contact centres , and telling them about the health and safety risks of homework and how these can be reduced .
8 One takes twenty minutes which is Dr is taking them round and telling them about the Hall .
9 I can not believe the amount of injury time actually , you see if I put a record on at half past eight they 'll have finished bang on half past eight but er the fact that I carry on rabbiting and telling you about the quiz competition three or four times er they decide to play plenty of injury time .
10 It was practised , wide and welcoming , consummately professional , revealing perfectly capped teeth and concealing everything about the man behind .
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