Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pron] into a " in BNC.

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1 He has n't redeemed and restored back to what we were , but he 's gone way , way beyond that , in making us his children and bringing us into a very special relationship with himself .
2 Nurse Bodkin bustled over to her and put her arm around her shoulder , making soothing noises and easing her into a sitting position on the bed .
3 Whereas in management I take the raw clay of inexperience , then shape and mould it into a team of teapots , Vic had an old-fashioned approach , plucking players with natural ability and building them into a cohesive unit but where no player 's unique , individual flair was stifled .
4 CAR thieves have left a disabled man virtually housebound after taking his car and crashing it into a wall .
5 Maxwell 's good judgement came in taking over the BPCC printing business and transforming it into a global communications empire .
6 The engine was redesigned by Mickie eliminating the airscrew , reversing it in the airframe , and incorporating it into a modified model W-4 autogiro airframe .
7 The expression on his face had grown hard and grim as he 'd scanned the paper in his hands , before angrily crunching it up into a ball and hurling it into a nearby waste-paper basket .
8 Adding up everyone 's several sources of income and grouping it into a household income , related to where people live and the local rate , is a major exercise that our present income tax system is incapable of doing .
9 ‘ We will eat first , ’ Lubor smiled , parking his car and escorting her into a smart hotel .
10 As Cati left , she continued , to Sabina , who was sprinkling flour into a basin and whirling it into a dough with her fist , ‘ But you can only wait for the storming to pass … . ’
11 Pages were put together by gathering the material up and roughing it into a layout based round the principal hooks — the headlines and pictures which were the only things that really mattered .
12 SIX people accused of kidnapping a teenage girl and turning her into a human torch appeared in court yesterday .
13 In this way Ulthuan drains magic out of the known world and prevents the tide of magic overwhelming everything and turning it into a seething realm of Chaos .
14 He largely reshaped this family business , rescuing it from near bankruptcy in the 1860s , extending it into tinplate in Monmouthshire , carrying through several amalgamations , and turning it into a public company in 1902 .
15 Like the Tubwell torrentor it had a disconcerting habit of flooding the road and turning it into a muddy cesspool .
16 I mean many people wrote disparagingly about your attempt , your nerve in taking on a gem of the New York stage and turning it into a British directed movie .
17 ‘ Or these , ’ she added , picking up a gossamer fine silk stocking and crumpling it into a weightless ball in her hand .
18 He was without doubt the very worst kind of news reporter , taking a few bare facts and embroidering them into a story !
19 The wind was hissing loudly over them , whipping off their tops and spraying them into a conveyor-belt of sand , an opaque draught , streaming across the road and up and over the dunes on the other side .
20 ‘ You clever boy ! ’ she would cry , throwing her arms around him , and sending him into a transport of joy .
21 What he had n't counted on was the tunnel effect of putting five together and pointing them into a wind that came more or less straight from the Urals after turning left over Norway .
22 By plotting the positions of the macrotrichia present on the wing-membrane in such primitive foes as Archichauliodes , Rhyacophila and Anisopus , and joining them into a polygonal meshwork , the lost archedictyon can often , to some extent , be reconstructed ( Fig. 26 ) .
23 The Fabergé Foundation is a Washington , D.C.-based non-profit group involved with preserving the St Petersburg house of jeweller Carl Fabergé , and converting it into a museum .
24 Early in the 1830s an alliance between progressive provincial middle-class reformers and respectable working men was seizing control of the London-based anti-spirits movement from its well-to-do leaders and converting it into a broader-based total abstinence crusade against all alcoholic drinks .
25 In the kitchen , you can provide temporary extra outlets at worktop level by fitting a four-way strip adaptor to the wall and plugging it into a nearby socket outlet .
26 At the moment she was cutting up courgettes and dropping them into a saucepan containing peppers and onions and tomatoes .
27 Cos she 's gone mad and they put it on her , right , and they , they 're holding her and they 're tapping out of the stage sidewards and she 's sort of like going like this , she , she , thinks all these nice men 'll love me and then like at the end of the show you see them , they 're tapping her out of the studio and putting her into a van and she 's still wearing a straight jacket and smiling at you .
28 By the final scene , however , we infer his dislike of McKendrick from the fact that having seriously impinged on his negative face by placing Hollar 's thesis in his briefcase and putting him into a situation of considerable personal danger , he makes no apology for his action whatsoever .
29 A default colour palette will be displayed on the screen from which you select colours for your woolbox , rather like going into a shop , choosing cones of different colour yarns and putting them into a bag to take home !
30 If smoking is allowed it stops people doing it in secret and making it into a clever or fashionable thing to do
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