Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pron] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 LUKE SAT ON AN expo love-seat in Club World at Heathrow , drinking Volvic and availing himself of a complimentary fax machine — clearing up the initial paperwork with Mike on the poem .
2 Afterwards Churchill is supposed to have sent a note to the Marshal , thanking him for his hospitality and reminding him of the details of their verbal agreements of the night before the morning after .
3 Whenever you go to a new site , start your search by burying a couple of coins and reminding yourself of the different note each one makes in your headphones .
4 Kevin Forman , 25 , of Bairds Buildings , East High Street , Crieff , Perthshire , admitted pointing a replica pistol at a female employee in the Clydesdale Bank , Auchterarder , on 24 November last year and robbing her of the cash .
5 This type of joy is not superficial , for it is a costly experience , gained only through suffering and sharing something of the crucifixion of Christ .
6 Müller is once more exemplary in every respect , catching precisely Senta 's elated , fanatical state and betraying none of the wobble that afflicted some of her coevals , such as Ursuleac , in the role .
7 After all , I was more of an outsider there than at home , being out of my milieu and having none of the social graces or advantages of my fellow-pupils .
8 Sir , — I read the article in the October issue , When growth and stability turned to disaster ( see p 26 ) , with a good deal of interest having worked with a professional firm in the Isle of Wight in the fifties , and knowing something of the type of clientele referred to .
9 Martin Martin notes that on a small rocky island to the south of Skye there is ‘ a great quantity of scurvey-grass , of an extraordinary size , and very thick ; the natives eat it frequently , as well boiled as raw : two of them told me that they happened to be confined there for the space of thirty hours , by a contrary wind ; and being without victuals , fell to eating this scurvey-grass , and finding it of a sweet taste , far different from the land scurvey-grass , they ate a large basketful of it , which did abundantly satisfy their appetites until their return home ’ .
10 We sat after lunch on Monday in his room ; or rather he sat chubbily at his desk , living up to his nickname , spooning Hymettus honey out of a jar and telling me of the flesh and fleshpots he had bought himself in Athens ; and I lay on his bed , only half listening .
11 See the city from a different viewpoint as you glide past the churches and gabled houses in your comfortable custom build Holland International cruise boat and follow the fascinating commentary pointing out the places of interest and telling you of the history of Amsterdam .
12 ( g ) one disadvantage with convertible loan stock is that there can be a tendency for stockholders to convert when profits and share prices are rising ( thus diluting the equity profit of existing ordinary shareholders and depriving them of the advantage of the cheaper gearing which such stock provides ) and to retain the stock when profits and share prices are falling , thus maintaining the debt burden of the company at a time when it may be least able to service it ; and
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