Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pron] into [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is not necessarily a soft option to tame wild animals , for to do so involves understanding their nature , being at one with it and drawing it into new forms of behaviour .
2 The Soviet statistics were terribly messy and scattered all over the place but Davies and Barker finally succeeded in teasing them out and knocking them into some sort of shape .
3 Thereafter , re-modularisation can take place systematically , by booking out the necessary modules and reconstituting them into new modules as required .
4 It begins with a human circle , linked by the little fingers , swaying and chanting themselves into deep trance with the eyes closed .
5 However , while it was comparatively easy to cobble together a story around a popular star , the British industry was not yet well organized when it came to finding a steady output of ideas for dramatic features and developing them into workable scripts .
6 His government has had considerable success in winning over guerrilla field commanders and turning them into semi-autonomous militias with lavish handouts of money and arms .
7 ‘ No , ’ she moaned in a fever against the side of his dark head , ‘ do n't ; I do n't want — ’ Then his mouth covered her own again , cutting off her protests and turning them into stifled , half-broken cries .
8 ‘ It works by cooling the liquid slag with a water jet and turning it into granulated slag .
9 The CRE was recently refused government funding of £140,000 to continue research into a method of extracting carbon dioxide produced by power stations and pumping it into depleted North Sea oil and gas wells , neutralising its environmental impact .
10 I would like to suggest that you take a piece of paper and rule it as follows ( see table on page 184 ) , including the headings Short Term , Long Term and Ultimate Goals , and separating them into two sections — Tangible and Intangible .
11 A couple of inmates were collecting fallen leaves and stuffing them into black bags .
12 Unarmed combat is basically the quickest way of attacking somebody and grinding them into little pieces before moving on to your next victim . )
13 But , the lessons are more subtle than the direct borrowing of the approach and importing it into different service sectors .
14 a special kind of scanner which provides a means of reading printed characters on documents and converting them into digital codes that can be read into a computer as actual text rather than just a picture .
15 Knowledge Adventure is very good at throwing out nuggets of information , and placing them into some sort of context .
16 You realise how subtle it is when you watch a beaver painstakingly placing a pole on its dam , being visibly dissatisfied with its position , removing it and tugging it into another , until it is at last convinced that it has been effectively deployed .
17 Taking the period 1979 — 85 , and dividing it into two parts , we find that in the years since 1983 the differences in surviving birth of infants born to parents in social class 1 , compared to those whose parents are in social classes IV and V , has widened .
18 This nanny worked in the big brewery down Manchester Road , capping the bottles and loading them into wooden crates .
19 Immediately beside him Kegan was fussing with sheets of paper , arranging and rearranging them into neat aligned squares .
20 Grant had time only to register the knowledge that he had lost the unequal contest , and with it his life , before the final hiraken knuckle-blow landed , breaking his nose and cheekbones , and smashing him into bloody oblivion .
21 The clowning begins right from the start , with him snatching up the Sony the minute it 's on the table , talking into it conspiratorially for the next hour in his trademark , Looney Toons drawl , playing dumb , hijacking questions and spinning them into semantic hyperspace , treating any attempt at conversation as one big word association game ( ’ No , I 'm not a geek ; I 'm a geek orthodox ’ ) .
22 After he had eaten he lit a small oil lamp to dispel the gathering gloom , and by its light fought off the silence by indulging in some desultory tidying , which consisted of gathering together assorted scrolls of papyrus and articles of clothing scattered about , and dumping them into two chests — one for each .
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