Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pron] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Tearing down the temple and re-building it in three days .
2 Hermite responded with a profuse apology for the oversight , and suggested that Smith could help the Academy out of an embarrassing position by rewriting his earlier papers in French , complete with full proofs , and submitting them by I June in accordance with the competition rules .
3 You can , if you wish , test your heartbeat by taking your pulse for ten seconds and multiplying it by six thus making a minute .
4 Last December they were instrumental in getting rid of Mr Gaidar and replacing him with one of those industrialists .
5 It was written by the Local Government Commission , which suggests scrapping the County Council and replacing it with four all powerful Unitary Councils .
6 He shook his head , suddenly reaching for his drink and swallowing it in one quick gulp .
7 But the building boys managed to draw 2:2 in reply on April 21 doing an Oldham and redeeming themselves in one of the last games of the season .
8 I would like to suggest that you take a piece of paper and rule it as follows ( see table on page 184 ) , including the headings Short Term , Long Term and Ultimate Goals , and separating them into two sections — Tangible and Intangible .
9 ‘ I was very sorry to hear about your husband , Mrs Ward , ’ Langton said , closing the door of his office and ushering them towards two chairs .
10 and selling them at seven .
11 Remember , each of the above exercises is immediately preceded by taking a deep breath , creating tension , and holding it for five seconds , then exhaling while letting go the tension and saying the word ‘ relax ’ to yourself .
12 On average , says the study , buying a share at its initial offering and holding it for three years yielded a total return ( dividends plus capital growth ) of just 8% .
13 So at this juncture you should be making a copy of bar one and calling it bar three .
14 Bracing his knees against the gunwale and steadying himself with one hand on the mizzen backstay , he prepared to relieve himself over the stern .
15 ‘ I had heard about Smailovic and his Sarajevan Opera String Quartet some time ago and had the idea of offering him support by writing a piece and joining him in one of his concerts at the front line . ’
16 and putting it in one of his cars .
17 It was as though a breeze was sweeping the room and carrying everyone to one side .
18 SAFER Auvergne functions by purchasing land on the open market and re-selling it within 5 years to enlarge existing farm units or to create new , more rationalised units .
19 He shuffled papers , bringing them together and placing them to one side , face downwards .
20 By eight-thirty , after putting the army to rights , and warming ourselves on one cup of tea after another , we were too cold to stay up .
21 Taking the period 1979 — 85 , and dividing it into two parts , we find that in the years since 1983 the differences in surviving birth of infants born to parents in social class 1 , compared to those whose parents are in social classes IV and V , has widened .
22 and repaying it at five percent interest or whatever is a rate of
23 She went into the bathroom and I made my own supper by slicing some of the foul cheese and shoving it between two slices of greased plastic bread .
24 The process is carried further here by spreading the picture down the vase and reducing it to three big figures .
25 Then , using an average stiffness frame and stringing it at two different tensions , 44lbs and 66 lbs respectively , the result was a massive 350cm ( over 11 feet ) difference in the length of the shot .
26 After he had eaten he lit a small oil lamp to dispel the gathering gloom , and by its light fought off the silence by indulging in some desultory tidying , which consisted of gathering together assorted scrolls of papyrus and articles of clothing scattered about , and dumping them into two chests — one for each .
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