Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This was a real lady The girls were suddenly self-conscious , smoothing down their tattered skirts and tucking their dirty feet out of sight .
2 ‘ I suppose so , ’ clearly weighing up the chances of Auguste 's swimming underwater to the women 's bathing machine section and drowning his beloved daughter .
3 And pitching their dead bodies into the woods .
4 In Rhodri 's cast-off clothes and worn shoes he looked like a penurious wandering scrivener of sixty ; in truth he was barely forty , and had been a tall , strong man of his hands once , and would be as good again after a month of eating regularly , and nursing his frayed body and broken and blistered feet .
5 ‘ Svend was watching television and nursing his broken heart , trying to work out how he could go back home without losing face , when he was forced to realise the amount of trouble and disruption he and his erstwhile girlfriend had caused on all fronts ! ’
6 However , anglers regularly take home large quantities of fish , selling it locally , storing it in freezers and eating it several times a week .
7 The F-Plan recipes , meal suggestions and charts on the following pages give you plenty of scope both for doing your own thing and eating your own thing , whether it is something as simple as beans on toast or a sandwich , or something considerably more adventurous .
8 ‘ Hush , honey , hush , I hate it too , ’ he murmured , enfolding her in his arms and stroking her sopping hair .
9 So they returned each to his own country , blessing him for their deliverance , and magnifying his great bounty ; and forthwith they sent him tribute and acknowledged themselves to be his vassals .
10 Personal power is about knowing and valuing yourself , and trusting your inner resources .
11 Once again it points to the power of particular historical languages in constructing individuals and shaping their political demands .
12 Of the five , probably only William Snr. and Thomas were practical binders , the rest migrating to London and proving themselves good businessmen as booksellers , travelling widely and selling fine books , including the Halifax products .
13 We are incapable of accepting and handling our unique dignity and character .
14 On the one hand , individuals ( and working class individuals in particular ) may have great difficulty in identifying and pursuing their collective self-interest .
15 The press coverage in turn has resulted in many other local authorities becoming interested in taking up the idea and pursuing their own campaigns .
16 Rodin was a skilful salesman of his work , making careful use of photography in establishing and maintaining his good name .
17 But today , realizing the problems she might have in controlling her mount let alone in staying on should it prop at a hedge or peck on landing , she decided discretion was the better part of valour and shortening her left rein swung Hullabaloo away in the other direction to take what was known as the Funks ' Run , which ran round a long ridge of elms , across the brook at its narrowest point , and then over a good two miles of open ground , with only one reasonable sized open ditch and hedge to be jumped at the bottom of the dip before a long run uphill which led back to the last of the Vale hedges .
18 Women are more used to accepting the consequences of what they do and accepting their own failings , while men simply must have someone to blame . ’
19 After cooking her watery stew one night and seeing her younger daughter into bed she went to the public library and looked up ‘ Death ’ in a concordance .
20 This is extremely unrealistic — it is more likely that firms will be able to meet some of the increased demand by working existing machines harder and using whatever excess capacity does exist .
21 This is a delightful , funny , quirky old thriller , belting along on high octane enthusiasm and using its copious quantities of High Tech to dress up a more human story which gleefully sings the praises of Spirit over Machine .
22 While one in ten agreed ICI was doing a fair share to reduce its impact and using its scientific skills to develop ‘ greener ’ products , the environment journalists still rated the company among the worst polluters — alongside British Coal , Fisons , British Nuclear Fuels and Powergen .
23 She explored around the puckered surround of her anus , and using her middle finger , firmly stabbed the first joint into the tightly guarded entrance .
24 Every individual has to find her way of tapping and using her creative resources , whether her daily environment is a home or an office .
25 In any case , most women are less interested in being ‘ like men ’ than in discovering and using their own gifts .
26 If an employer is faced with the situation where an employee has , in his own time and using his own equipment , developed a useful computer program , then the employer should immediately try to reach agreement as regards questions of ownership and use of the programs with the employee concerned , rather than allowing the program to be used without such agreement .
27 Inward migrants will include people who come into the district in order to do the jobs that are provided and there are many examples of employers coming to the town and bringing their own people into the town to do the jobs that are brought into the town .
28 Lamps lighting the desks at the nurses ' station were the brightest things in this open central space , and one of the lamps was catching Tom 's hair in its light , giving the short locks a golden glow like a halo , and bringing his commanding profile into sharp focus .
29 My God , I 'd even told my grandfather that I was coming home — and bringing my future bride . ’
30 She found herself running a comb through her hair , taking a short-hand pad and three pencils instead of the two which should surely have been enough , running a handkerchief over her dusty sandals and easing her left-hand stocking round her ankle a bit to keep the ladder out of sight .
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