Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The window was full of magazines , lying edge to edge and hanging in yellowed cellophane wrappers from clothes-pegs : she was reminded of playing shop as a child , and lining up the tins of food and boxes of soap flakes and bags of flour , all in miniature .
2 One body wallows on a barge of pillows , with warmly tousled gaze and smelling of fresh bread ( you 'll get no argument from me there : women are great ) ; the other body lies flat and cold on a table down whose eaves blood runs , like a sunset .
3 They pecked at some dead creature on the moorland verge , squabbling over which of them should have it , wheeling and darting at each other like terrible shadows in the mist .
4 That is much narrower than the jurisdiction given to the Nuremberg tribunal after the Second World War , which was allowed also to consider crimes against peace and crimes against humanity such as planning and waging of aggressive war and genocide .
5 The clinical effects are slight , and in the resting cat are limited to a chronic mild cough ; following exercise or handling , there may be coughing and sneezing with slight dyspnoea and production of mucoid sputum .
6 However , when groups from such communities move to and settle in countries living and eating in Western style , and adopt Western habits , repeated surveys and studies have shown that , gradually , over the years , they too become equally prone to the ‘ big Cs ’ and all those other Western diseases .
7 Taking one of a pair of identical towers and re-building in another form , e.g. helps the child towards the idea of invariance of number — there are the same number of blocks ‘ before ’ and ‘ after ’ although they look different .
8 We will be leading small groups , praying with and counselling those on the courses and assisting in local outreach to the prison , hospital and streets of Birmingham .
9 This study will focus in addition on the responses made by schools , examining issues such as how they obtain , interpret and act upon clues regarding the preferences of parents of potential pupils , and what factors constrain them in understanding and reacting to such information .
10 In open play , 'Mere seemed more interested in arguing with the referee and reacting to any niggle from the opposition .
11 Well , Stan Bowes , thank you very much indeed for joining me this afternoon — Stan Bowes , head of marketing for Thames and Chilterns Tourist Board and helping with this look at the tourist industry .
12 In August , however , she and Andrew were billing and cooing about each other in Hello ! magazine .
13 Where part of a building is let off as a separate factory the landlord will be responsible for providing and maintaining in efficient working order and good repair sufficient and suitable sanitary conveniences for the persons employed in the factory ( Factories Act 1961 , s7(1) , s122 ) .
14 I picture in my mind the womb , small and malleable as the heart muscle , expanding and contracting at ludicrous speed .
15 By now I was talking and singing on automatic pilot whilst my heart and brain were thudding with a heady mixture of adrenalin .
16 At times I went almost mad , talking gibberish , pulling faces , and singing in mock Latin .
17 First , that we have no intention of abandoning public ownership and accepting for all time the present frontier of the public sector .
18 Besides , living as she now was in a small house on top of two other people , and Dr Neil 's surgery boy , and seeing at close hand the wretched people who frequented his surgery , was giving her insights into the motivations and behaviour of the people around her because she had to consider them , whereas always before , in the past , other people had been compelled to consider her .
19 Stroud , Gloucestershire-based Top Level Computing Ltd is offering MS-DOS and Windows users upgrades to its Complete Works or Fine Words packages , for £130 and £90 respectively : Complete Works combines a word processor , spreadsheet , database and charting with new form design and filling facilities ; the company reckons that the deal will be popular with users of its previous Microsoft Works package and with MS-DOS , Wordstar Express , Locoscript and Supercalc users wanting an upgrade path to Windows .
20 I only got to know her a little as a teenager when I visited her on my own in the single-end where she lived in a Parkhead tenement , sleeping , washing and cooking in one room .
21 And including in that travel time , must be the congestion which they will face as they approach Leeds which which already is er a difficult problem .
22 Considerable work has also been undertaken to develop new blends using wool and experimenting with new man made fibres and dyestuffs .
23 Moving house and experimenting with new furnishing styles is a challenging and exciting experience .
24 They have been able to get away with it , because it is difficult to reproach the Germans for pursuing an excessively sound monetary policy and sticking to low inflation .
25 And sticking to that sofa !
26 Everyone was beaming and weeping at this display , this proof of human richness .
27 I mean no disrespect to the geriatric branch of the hospital service nor to the domiciliary services or the rapidly increasing old people 's houses and homes provided by local housing , health and welfare authorities when I say that I believe we are still groping and fumbling with this problem — all of us , social scientists and politicians alike .
28 There 's a lot of banging and crashing on this tape .
29 Thus , a Bill which sought to bring shipbuilding and repairing under public control but which did so , so far as repairing is concerned , by naming the particular firms affected , would be a ‘ hybrid ’ Bill .
30 De Morgen 's correspondent interpreted Vercruysse 's decision as ‘ a reaction against Hoet 's preparations for Documenta , which Vercruysse has labelled showy and pandering to public taste ’ .
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