Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Repeated warming and cooling resulted in varying readings .
2 He was forced to back away , almost tripping over bodies and becoming enmeshed in other fights .
3 I think one sees it by the change in the structure of big business , by so many management buy-outs and the realisation that size is not everything ; large companies concentrating more on their core businesses and getting rid of peripheral businesses and spending more on research and development in supporting core businesses .
4 Kendall axed Johnston after accusing his players of possessing a big-time mentality and failing to scrap for vital Premier League points in the less-glamourous matches .
5 Tucking the loaf into her shirt top , Jess wrapped herself monkey-like , legs and arms round the rope , swinging across the scummy water hand over hand , gripping and letting go with easy rhythm until she reached the side of the brig .
6 The aura of chaos is furthered by the band 's weird demeanour : each member seems to be shuffling to a different beat , while scruffy frontman Ken staggers around the stage , tugging at his hair and letting rip with bloodcurdling screams whenever the fancy takes him .
7 Although , when the three friends reunite in 1959 after thirteen years , they have not achieved everything they hoped for as adolescents , we are left at the end of the play with a feeling of hope — not the kind of false hope prescribed by Soviet censors but the hope that comes from being young and strong and having lived through difficult times .
8 This convergence may have less to do with ideology than with political ‘ learning ’ and having to cope with unanticipated events .
9 For example , being kept awake by a sufferer who can not sleep having to be continually watchful of someone who may do dangerous things , and having to cope with continual questioning or aggression may become unbearable .
10 All aluminium saucepans including those from Buckingham Palace here collected in July nineteen forty but unfortunately it was not of the right grade and so housewives then suffered for the rest of the war and having to cook with inferior pans .
11 And having looked at identified needs for affordable housing , within again various statements made by the local authorities and compared those with the commitments that are left , in other words the places where they they could reasonably be found , we get some fairly large percentages of affordable housing requirement le on on on the remaining land .
12 Having spent some time as a ‘ little kid ’ at the front of the terrace , and having learned through close observation the most rudimentary rules of conduct appropriate to being a Rowdy , the young fan simply shifts his location to the back of the End and to the fringes of the Rowdies group .
13 The sophisticated systems of electro-chemical replacement and depletion gilding and silvering developed by Andean metallurgists during the first millennium before Christ were designed first and foremost as symbols of rank , power and religious force .
14 The progress during the first year of recovery will vary from one person to another but for most people this first year in any Fellowship is spent mainly in compliance : doing what is suggested by people more experienced in the Anonymous Fellowships , attending meetings , contributing to them and giving practical service in them , progressively working the 12 Steps with the guidance of a sponsor and generally learning to use the various suggested techniques of staying away from one 's primary addictive substance or behaviour and learning to deal with stressful situations in a more appropriate manner than previously .
15 Some teachers , even in infant classes , report that the rejection of schemes and learning to read through real books has been completely successful .
16 She gazed at the ceiling , feeling her heartbeat and breathing slowing to normal , her body quietening .
17 So while Sutton had been frantically interviewing and trying to cope with real stories , Pilger had been to the Regent Street studio of Carrol , Dempsey and Thirkell , designers of the two-month-old Independent , described by the middle classes hoping for better papers as ‘ a good deed in a naughty world ’ .
18 Mr Shamir has been hard at work consolidating his right-wing support and trying to win over independent conservatives ; he has reiterated his determination to keep the P L O out of any peace talks and has steadfastly refused to consider any deal which would involve giving up territory for peace .
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