Example sentences of "and [vb base] they on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Canon says that Still Video is an ideal medium for multimedia presentations because users can mix photographs , text and graphics on a computer , record them on a still video disk and display them on a TV .
2 The EDFAX documentations states that the program allows users to compose and edit teletext pages of information store pages of information on disk recall pages of information from disk and display them on a screen create a local electronic magazine , database or notice board develop artistic and creative skills relating to the presentation of information develop language and communication skills gain an understanding of the videotext display format .
3 Made from the latest in Polymer technology Asics Gel has the unique ability to absorb vertical impact forces and disperse them on a horizontal plane .
4 Emotivism claims that the distinctive meaning of ethical words lies in their power ( in virtue of our early linguistic conditioning ) to stimulate emotions and attitudes in a hearer , and vent them on the part of the speaker .
5 Certainly , according to Hardie , ‘ in the case of allocating insurance premiums on particular lines of cover when setting individual budgets for the following year , head offices could look at their operating units ’ past claims records and load them on the poor performers while even awarding the equivalent of no claims bonuses to the good ones .
6 Beside him on the counter were large dirty bottles of gilt glass from which he would take out the stoppers and daub them on the sleeves of passers-by .
7 This can be done thus : take portions of a mature leaf and place them on a container of moist loam or sand and loam .
8 The procedure is to remove some of the gut contents from ‘ affected fish and place them on a microscope slide .
9 Her husband Harold was a lamplighter and when he came home from work he was obliged to take off his boots in the passage and place them on a sheet of newspaper before entering the inner sanctum .
10 Make the invitations in the shape of a skull and crossbones and place them on the door instead of balloons .
11 Then , with the right side of the garment facing the machine , pick up the stitches around the neck and place them on the machine .
12 They erm , what they do they drive these big Tugmasters now with these lorries so that they plant all these erm forty foot trailers with er with er erm with a container on and place them on the ship .
13 It would be possible to test a large sample of readers , who would read nine texts and place them on the network .
14 Remove the stitches from the standard gauge machine with the garter bar and replace them on the chunky machine .
15 There , they are likely to listen sympathetically and you may be lucky and catch them on a quiet day .
16 Many people spread their on the road , while others put branches in the fields and spread them on the road .
17 We bring them home , kill them , and put them on a whitethorn bush .
18 What they added was a sense of grandeur — they took blues licks and put them on a epic scale .
19 When he had gone out , she gathered up their scattered clothes then folded them tidily and put them on a chair .
20 I got half a dozen drunks and three women dressed as Mother Christmas and put them on a truck and we drove round the West End on the busiest shopping day of the year playing loud jazz and bunging up the traffic .
21 What they added was a sense of grandeur — they took blues licks and put them on a epic scale .
22 She took out her warmed mince pies and put them on a tray .
23 Just take a couple and put them on a plate !
24 On Dec. 16 the Netherlands authorities expelled 43 Russian Jews and put them on an aeroplane to Israel after their applications for asylum were turned down ; a further nine were expelled on Dec. 23 .
25 She poked busily at the concoctions , withdrew the tins from the oven and put them on the scrubbed wooden table to cool .
26 then she bought a bunch of violets and put them on the baby 's pillow , blew us a kiss and disappeared .
27 When all these objects had been tested and discussed , they took them out and put them on the shelf in two groups : those that floated , and those that sank .
28 So we used to go up there and get our .008″ banjo strings and put them on the top and it really transformed what you could do . ’
29 erm I 'm not going to keep you very long because I 've nearly finished talking so erm when I 've finished perhaps you would like to bring some of your things up and put them on the table and we can all have a look at them .
30 Matisse had an arrangement with Miró whereby he would buy the latter 's works and put them on the market when the time seemed right .
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