Example sentences of "and [vb base] also [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Henry Sykes and VAG also have clawback clauses in their relocation policies .
2 Political and church groups and sports- and businesspeople also launched campaigns to express solidarity with foreigners and opposition to violence .
3 Magharba and Majabr also made contracts ( al-thalth , al-nusf ) , again confined mostly to members of their own groups .
4 Bankers Trust and Citicorp also took advantage of the Delaware law .
5 Ownership and control also crossed frontiers .
6 Sovereign Holidays and Transair also organise flights and accommodation .
7 Rattan and coworkers have investigated the role of NO in neurogenic relaxation f the internal anal sphincter in the opossum in vitro and have also assessed involvement of NO in the rectonal inhibitory reflex in the same animal in vivo .
8 We are in close contact with other anti-war umbrella groups and have also made links with the Campaign Against Repression and for Democracy in Iraq ( CARDRI ) , the General Union of Palestinian Women , and Greenham women .
9 A reduction of at least 30% in child mortality due to diarrhoeal diseases has now been found by all trials that have found a significant effect on overall mortality and have also examined causes of death .
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