Example sentences of "and [vb base] him [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Should she do a U-turn and sell him the house ? she wondered .
2 He thought he 'd find a rich one and sell him the cross for a good price .
3 By due process of law we have sentenced him to be slit in the hamstrings to be an example to those who would follow him and make him a hero to the people .
4 So I 'd ask you Madam to go along with what I 'm suggesting and make him the subject of an absolute discharge so that he does n't have any previous court er any , any convictions or anything like that on his record .
5 And make him an offer he could n't refuse .
6 When my father is drunk and beats me , he does it because I wo n't go out and beg in the streets and bring him the money I get .
7 If you remember , yesterday afternoon , after the funeral , Francis asked me to lock the studio and bring him the key .
8 None of them knows for sure if the controlling shareholder , the French government , will keep him on or , in the Gallic equivalent of the kick upstairs , say thank-you and raise him a grade in the Legion d'Honneur .
9 It was more a family , really , than a deputation , excluding the Bishop , of course : Aethelric of Durham , whom the monks had wanted to disown after that business eight years ago , until he had had to go to Siward and slip him a bit of St Cuthbert 's best to get him reinstated .
10 An advocate of home rule and agrarian reform , Walsh 's support for the controversial ‘ plan of campaign ’ earned him the displeasure of Rome and cost him the cardinal 's hat .
11 But I had no idea how to make them so I had to ask my tutor and show him the work .
12 Our table felt it was worth £20 of tickets for a woman to put her hand up and show him the error of his ways , but we 'd already forked out enough , honest .
13 ‘ Now then , our Emily , get your skates on and show him the lie of the land .
14 Then you take out the little plastic box from your jacket and show him the syringe needle .
15 At this rate she might as well give him a blow-by-blow description of the last time they had shared the bench , and save him the trouble of remembering .
16 From the hall outside the court , Doyle peered back into the drab room , wondering whether the girl would re-appear , and give him a chance to make his opening .
17 You 're just a frightened dame who 's going to buy him an airplane ticket out and give him a stake for good measure .
18 We got the dog and give him a couple of rope ends in his mouth and he take them across the ice .
19 having seen Frank playing in our Norwegian ‘ premiership ’ — i can only say : this guy has talent and give him a couple of more years on his neck he will become a real threat to any defence .
20 That 'll be in there and give him a bit of encouragement .
21 See she , she came around cos erm I 've been up to her , her friends place to and give him a bit of a telling off like and that and erm she came to John 's house and I said , why are calling ?
22 in village , not far up us and er I were getting round me mum and pulling on her skirts and and this old woman says , get him fed Frances , he wants a bit of pap , get him , get him picked up and give him a bit of pap and that 'll shut him up
23 Well no just screaming at the top of his voice , our Ben had to bring him down in the end and give him a drink and start again , even then I had to stay with him until he went to sleep
24 This time Liverpool should stick with him and give him a run .
25 Mr Yeltsin 's team was preparing to counter-attack today with a draft of a new constitution that would extend the presidential term from five years to six and give him a right of veto over parliamentary Bills and to pick a small team of state ministers .
26 Could I have his telephone number and give him a ring ?
27 and give him a copy of all his
28 You 'll have to shuffle people around and give him a room to himself — isolate him .
29 office place and give him a bag of plaster and tell him to plaster there for a day either that or send him up
30 In many districts the normal response when one 's animal was missing was to visit a person well known to have connections with local thieves , and give him a chew of betel , a wad of tobacco , and five rupees .
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