Example sentences of "and [vb base] them [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The tongue acts as a pump , helping to suck in small forms of water-life and squeeze them down the throat .
2 Then The Sugargliders — their hair still glossy from the blood of Metallica , who tried to stop them coming in — stride across the shattered bar-room floor and pull their own heads off and ram them down The Rosaries ' throats .
3 Out of all the bands the NME posse catches at the CMJ , RATM are by far the most brilliantly relevant : the first to grab political issues by the scruff of the neck and ram them down the toilet pan .
4 Simply order them a couple of days in advance and pick them up the night before or on the day they are required .
5 You can buy them one day and bring them back the next
6 A better approach is to adopt a serial approach and solve them over a number of stages .
7 And you can look at it one way , and say , oh I 've got , I 've got two rows here with six in , and space them out a bit so , or give him that so he 's got sort of , two rows with six in , and you say , oh from where you 're looking at it , it 's six rows with two in .
8 Forest-living Indians catch them and roast them over a fire so that the poison drips from their skins .
9 Chop the vegetables and heat them over a low flame .
10 Now we fasten pinecones to the dahlia sticks and shake them out every few days .
11 I peel off my clothes , and put them over a low branch .
12 Erm , putting images into words is not always easy , a colour in a painting can give you a way in and the brown of Van Gogh 's jacket erm affected me with this one particularly and the sun flower I felt was inappropriate misplace , in a vase to , to small , erm and it gave me an image a very strong image of suffering and this poem is in its very early stages and its literally just a list of images and I wanted to be able to show you how I start off which is with a series of images and then I have to put some filler in and open them up a bit and , and make them more accessible and understandable , but this is just a list form .
13 We will encourage school to invest in sports facilities and open them up the local community .
14 and run them up the strips .
15 Nor could you just shut your eyes and throw them down the hatch ; because the whole pleasure of a chicken 's foot would come from sucking and nibbling it slowly , seeking out the tasty skin and the fragments of flesh like the last moments of a particularly luscious spare rib .
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