Example sentences of "and [vb base] up [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On offer at the shop is a full design and make up service for cots , cribs , Moses baskets , bedding and curtains .
2 We used to build Lego together and make up stores about the fellows who lived in the Lego houses , and if Mike talked about me , people just thought he was making me up .
3 She would drive to the nursery in the spring and pick up boxes of spring flowers , pansies , violets , crocuses , iris , lilies of the valley , daffodils , and jonquil , and set them lovingly in the damp sweet-sour earth .
4 Raymond Spurrier continues his journey through the land of the reluctant vista to reassess the nature of landscape painting and pick up hints from Aboriginal art
5 No goodwill speeches , no glowing perorations about ‘ the patience of our people under misfortune ’ alter the plain fact that if people have to live and bear and bring up children in bad houses on too little food , their resistance to disease is lowered and they die before they should .
6 Fellow director Eryl Morris underlined the need for productivity improvements : ‘ We have to put programmes in place to drive down costs and push up return on sales . ’
7 I know there , there was quite a lot of encouragement to actually leave your dividend in and build up interest on it .
8 It was largely due to her that Fred had been able to secure the leasehold of the cafe and build up trade by extending the seating arrangement and brightening up the fare on offer .
9 When hardened , refix fittings and buff up paintwork with a silicone polish .
10 For around £20 each we enjoyed the simple pleasures of being able to dance the Gay Gordons round a bonfire at midnight , vomit into a loch instead of on to a pavement , and stumble up hills for the remainder of the week walking off hangovers .
11 One of the few draw-backs of computer faxes is that they treat all faxes as bitmap files and gobble up memory at an alarming rate .
12 Drake easily told by greatly elongated central tail feathers , 4 in. of total length , combined with striking pattern of dark head and throat and white breast and stripe up side of neck .
13 And rather than being at the mercy of the autobiographer 's choice of what to mention , we can ask questions and open up areas of significant memory which would otherwise have been lost .
14 Such revision could increase the value of friendships , autonomy and other forms of creativity , and open up discussion on the pleasures of celibacy , masturbation , shared sex .
15 Type the letter ( see appendix letter 1 ) and look up information on Head Lice ( no pun intended ! )
16 The declaration stated that , whereas heretofore , to wit , etc. , in consideration that the plaintiff , at the request of the defendant , had then consented to allow the defendant to weigh divers , to wit two , boilers of the plaintiff , of great value , etc. , defendant promised that he would , within a reasonable time after the said weighing was effected , leave and give up the boilers in as perfect and complete a condition , and as fit for use by plaintiff , as the same were in at the time of the consent so given by plaintiff ; and that , although in pursuance of the consent so given , defendant to wit , on , etc. , did weigh the same boilers , yet defendant did not nor would , within a reasonable time after the said weighing was effected leave and give up boilers in as perfect , etc. , but wholly neglected and refused so to do , although a reasonable time for that purpose had elapsed before the commencement of this suit ; and , on the contrary thereof , defendant afterwards , to wit on , etc. , took the said boilers to pieces and did not put the same together again but left the same in a detached and divided condition , and in many different pieces , whereby plaintiff hath been put to great trouble , etc .
17 ‘ Perhaps I 'm hoping to meet a man rich enough to keep me in comfort so I can indulge my every whim and fancy and give up work for good , ’ she said drily .
18 IN THE SAME WEEK : Sir Alf Ramsey 's England footballers , World Cup winners nine months earlier , were beaten 3–2 by Scotland at Wembley , prompting ‘ hordes of tartan-clad Scots to pour over Wembley 's barriers to dance on England 's grave , kiss the centre spot and dig up pieces of turf as souvenirs . ’
19 the French are convinced that the Germans want to preserve their monetary hegemony as EMU approaches : the more dominant the Mark is , the more Germany will be able to dictate conditions and draw up plans for a European central bank based on the Bundesbank .
20 Instead the party will set up a top level group to investigate prostitution and draw up plans for new laws .
21 Or we could comply with the 30 October 1993 rule but amend the accounting reference date within the first nine months of incorporation , as we may , and draw up accounts to 31 October 1993 , which is within the seven day period allowed by s 223(2) .
22 Lightly oil 16×10cm/4in filo squares , spoon on filling and draw up edges into purses .
23 They would sit in the lavatories and brew up tea in a can by holding a candle underneath .
24 We will give people a new right of access to open country , create new national parks and step up protection for special sites .
25 All manufacturing sites are required to record any incident , such as spillages or leaks , and follow up complaints from neighbours as a means of measuring and tracking progress in environmental improvement .
26 Growth impairment is a common complication of childhood Crohn 's disease , but longitudinal data and follow up studies into adulthood are sparse .
27 Process Flow Team chairman said : ‘ Following the success of this year 's Take Home Trade Conference and follow up presentations at Runcorn , we will be looking at involving more employees at similar presentations next year .
28 Make the most of any advice which you can get from the interviewer and follow up suggestions for improving your presentation and qualifications .
29 ‘ We had been escorting a convoy from Halifax to the UK and were ordered to leave the convoy , refuel in Reykjavik and take up patrol of the Denmark Strait , 150 miles west of Iceland .
30 I run to the house , creep back up to the Roombed , and take up position at the window .
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