Example sentences of "and [vb base] it [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We see companies rethinking how they can manage product design , how they can help people communicate between different groups in a company , how they can eliminate printed information and let people see information electronically and browse it exactly the way they want , or how they can keep track of their customers in a better way . ’
2 Yeah , so if you had if I try and draw it much the same if you had that and let's choose let's choose er , well le , let's keep the same let's keep to the same carbon chain if you had that the carbon skeleton is exactly the same the only way it differs is that the O H group here is on carbon one of that chain that we 've chosen where as here , it 's on carbon two of that chain .
3 Turn the right side ( smooth side of knitting ) to the inside and fold it so the two side edges of the knitting can be sewn together to make a tube .
4 If you push the lever down and leave it there the flaps will reach their maximum angle and the selector will automatically jump back into neutral so that the hydraulic circuit can idle .
5 Why not do it and leave it ready the day before , then all that is needed is one minute to set the garter carriage in operation and you will come home to a sleeve which only has to be cast off .
6 Government spokesmen persuaded the media to stop talking about the ‘ My Lai massacre ’ and call it instead the ‘ My Lai incident ’ .
7 You go round that corner not off that way towards the wards just go from the desk right round the corner and follow it right the way down as far as you can go .
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