Example sentences of "and [vb base] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In H. gallinarum all three parasitic moults appear to occur in the caecal lumen , but in H. isolonche infection the hatched larvae enter the caecal mucosa , and develop to maturity in nodules .
2 The bends lie at the centres of the met boxes , and correspond to compression of the major groove to a width of 9.4 around the bound repressor β -ribbons , and opening of the opposite minor groove to 8.3 .
3 The point is that sometimes it ca n't be avoided — there are some issues which are so important that you have to take a stand and say to hell with how people react .
4 Both parties marked their letters with a variety of combinations of expressions like " without prejudice " , 'subject to contract " , and 'subject to approval by
5 God who 's idea was it come and freeze to death in Aldeburgh ?
6 They let them slide around on the polished floor and listen to music on the ward radio .
7 Once the sun goes down you can enjoy dinner in Maravilla 's own restaurant , then sip cocktails and listen to music in the Honolulu Bar .
8 This is because speakers of these German dialects look to German as their standard language , read and write in German and listen to German on radio and television .
9 Congratulations to all graduates and welcome to membership of a special group of people of a wide variety of ages and careers , in all parts of the world who share with you the experience of studying at this University .
10 The form of slave production and exploitation and subsequent colonial development of the West Indies has also ensured for most of the islands a fate similar to that of many modern African states : a form of ‘ peripheral ’ development in which individual economies are dominated by a very small number of cash crops , often the same as those cultivated under the original system of slavery , the income from which is dependent on world commodity prices subject to considerable fluctuation and open to manipulation by metropolitan powers ( Beckford , 1972 ) .
11 Is what is small scale and open to observation by only one teacher capable of demonstrating a broader relevance ?
12 If he lay there until the morning , assuming he did not pass out , or drown , or spew up and choke to death in the meantime , he would be found when the boys came in to wash ; the humiliation would be unbearable and the whole story would be all over the school by breakfast .
13 ‘ If you want to run that video and get to bed before daybreak we 'd better go down now . ’
14 Steven dreams of driving his car swiftly and effortlessly over thrilling lanes and highways … not realizing how Saturday will come , no present bought for Pervert and Queen , will have to leap into car , 11.08 Saturday morning , claw through Saturday traffic to near place of work , double-park car , run into weathered antique shop , snatch slightly unsuitable rococo frame from shelf , pay with desperate ACCESS he was trying to cut down on , emerge , tear ticket from windscreen , drive recklessly home , fling frame at Claire , discover best shirt in fact dirty and get to wedding with three minutes to spare …
15 She found a spanner and set to work on the bike .
16 I took my make-up out of my bag , leaned close to the mirror and set to work on my face .
17 Our first winner was Debbie Moseley and when Debbie told the guys at Feature You she would like to do modelling but thought she was n't good enough , they decided to prove her wrong and set to work on a dramatic transformation .
18 He glanced around , then took a nail file from his pocket and set to work on the padlock .
19 When they had done her back , they turned her over and set to work on her front .
20 He became quite carried away as with dexterous strokes he carved a particularly exquisite right breast and set to work on the delicate fluting of the ribs .
21 As soon as he was satisfied that all was well , he laid back his ears and set to work on the grass .
22 Minton took him upstairs to his studio , where his portrait of Nevile Wallis was in progress , and set to work on a small canvas .
23 She sat down and set to work on the files .
24 I get back to my office and set to work with the phone .
25 They were the Ostarbeiters , intelligent and educated , and set to work as labourers , made to wear a badge .
26 Chastened , they donned their protective aprons , and set to work in silence .
27 Piffetti is noted for his technical perfection in the application of complex marquetry of ivory ( sometimes carved in three-dimensional relief ) , mother-of-pearl and tortoiseshell to furniture with elaborate forms .
28 communicate upwards , as well as downwards and sideways ; listen and respond to information from others ;
29 Because er , to produce more output you have to have a bigger stock , and therefore the price goes up , so you produce more , decreasing not quite so much , and keep a greater percentage than you did last year , so that for cows , as the price goes up you 've got to counteract it again , cows this year , and try to sort of , keep my , get my herd bigger and bigger , and profitable .
30 ‘ I do my housework , and look after Matthew , and go to church on Sunday .
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