Example sentences of "and [vb base] [adv prt] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These reports sent them bustling off to organize air tickets to the head of the Gulf , designating it Persian or Arabian according to the nationality of the airline or the destination selected , to check out the situation and track down flesh with which to clothe the bare bones .
2 On offer at the shop is a full design and make up service for cots , cribs , Moses baskets , bedding and curtains .
3 We used to build Lego together and make up stores about the fellows who lived in the Lego houses , and if Mike talked about me , people just thought he was making me up .
4 She would drive to the nursery in the spring and pick up boxes of spring flowers , pansies , violets , crocuses , iris , lilies of the valley , daffodils , and jonquil , and set them lovingly in the damp sweet-sour earth .
5 Raymond Spurrier continues his journey through the land of the reluctant vista to reassess the nature of landscape painting and pick up hints from Aboriginal art
6 Erm I 'll go through the consultation paper and pick out sort of paragraph by paragraph and any that we particular agree or disagree with .
7 Headaches are stupefying , benumbing and bring on confusion of mind .
8 No goodwill speeches , no glowing perorations about ‘ the patience of our people under misfortune ’ alter the plain fact that if people have to live and bear and bring up children in bad houses on too little food , their resistance to disease is lowered and they die before they should .
9 Before the First World War , the younger women of the village , of whom my mother was one , used to walk from Mavhinje to Štivan ( San Giovanni ) , near the coast , and bring back pots of water on their heads .
10 ‘ We used to go round the farms to collect the harness-work and bring back sets of harness for repair .
11 They were going to undo the spells that held together the vortex and bring back Chaos to the world .
12 The home of the Ba was the body in the tomb , but it was able to go out freely and bring back life to the body and thus preserve the deceased 's identity on earth .
13 And even if it went down , at least it would be a heroic failure — a genuine attempt to break the mould and bring back standards of quality and decency .
14 I 'm currently working out measures which can follow up on the policy statement and bring about changes in practice and law .
15 I , I 've yet , I 've got a , a major job on my hands to reeducate people and bring in systems for much more accurate measurement of our work .
16 The scheme will use up LWT 's £50m of cash and bring in £72.5m of borrowings .
17 There are prototyping packages available which will set up screen layouts and bring in blocks of code for validating and presenting data .
18 Off with the nightie , on with those jeans ( OK , do n't bother fastening them just yet ) , pop your baby in the brand-new car seat , and zoom off home with proud daddy .
19 Fellow director Eryl Morris underlined the need for productivity improvements : ‘ We have to put programmes in place to drive down costs and push up return on sales . ’
20 ‘ With your permission , I 'd like to use your warehouse as a staging area and base of operations , while we secure the area and send in protection for other American interests in the city . ’
21 Local councils will then have to collate the information and send out bills with details of the valuations put on houses .
22 RNAS non-rigid airships , able to stay aloft for many hours and send down reports by wireless , did important work on patrol and convoy escort , many times directing British destroyers into contact with the enemy 's U-boats .
23 There were political motives : some wished ( like Pope Urban ) to save the Eastern Empire ; others wished to disembody the Eastern Empire and carve out principalities for themselves — contradictory motives , perhaps , but both leading to similar activity .
24 I know there , there was quite a lot of encouragement to actually leave your dividend in and build up interest on it .
25 It was largely due to her that Fred had been able to secure the leasehold of the cafe and build up trade by extending the seating arrangement and brightening up the fare on offer .
26 When hardened , refix fittings and buff up paintwork with a silicone polish .
27 What this means to you or me is that if we happen to fancy a cup of the most expensive tea in the world , we would have to hurry off to Knightsbridge this month and shell out £35 for a quarter of a pound of Indian brew named Castleton .
28 Why do you pick up the evening paper and linger over tales of local gossip or distress when you have important tasks to carry out ?
29 For around £20 each we enjoyed the simple pleasures of being able to dance the Gay Gordons round a bonfire at midnight , vomit into a loch instead of on to a pavement , and stumble up hills for the remainder of the week walking off hangovers .
30 In his version , Gloucester met with Hastings and his allies in the Tower , and cried out that he had been ambushed , whereupon waiting soldiers rushed in and cut down Hastings on the spot .
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