Example sentences of "and [vb base] [adv prt] for a " in BNC.

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1 Knit two rows and bind off for a round neck or cast off for a V-neck .
2 ‘ Come and sit down for a minute while the lasagne finishes cooking . ’
3 I go and wait about for a min , half a sec , ha , you know just wait for about ten seconds I 've forgotten what I 'm supposed to say wha , can you remind you ?
4 Would n't it be a poor thing to have the man close his shop and walk back for a kind of half-hearted snack .
5 If you stir enough of them together and stand back for a few hundred million years , the result is likely to be a chemical entity capable of reproducing itself — one of the fundamental differences between living and nonliving material .
6 Why do n't you take the duty room and go and lie down for a couple of hours ? ’
7 And look out for a new Spanish star , Jésus Montoya , who showed so brilliantly in the Vuelta d'Espana in May .
8 Leave the summit walking south and look out for a shallow gully leading towards a steep grass slope beside a burn and on to Glenlicht House .
9 SHOULD Selkirk fail to make the grade and drop out for a fourth spell in Division II , they will at least on this occasion descend with honour .
10 The price of oil would probably rise to more than $50 a barrel and dig in for a stay of some months .
11 There was no time to raise it and draw back for a stabbing blow .
12 And you 'd all got to get on , and stay on for a little while without touching the floor , then you could have another go .
13 I always hang up promptly and go out for a nice cup of coffee to cheer myself up .
14 On every channel earnest-looking men with maps and pointers , looking like war-gamers in some fiendish Pentagon basement , demonstrate — predict , even — the inch-by-inch path that the storm is taking , noting that it usually passes off to the north , but may perhaps curve back upon itself and go in for a second strike .
15 ‘ He 'll be delighted to have a break and go off for a pint .
16 All appointees have to provide a urine sample — even Pamela Harriman , the new ambassador to Paris , had to stand in line , clutching her paper cup — and turn up for a face-to-face interview , which usually lasts between one-and-a-half and two hours .
17 To do this they arranged a movable slit to open for a wide ΔΕ when the photodiode array is operating and close up for a narrow ΔΕ for the spectral detector .
18 The dynamic duo get away from the troubles of the world and curl up for a nap , by ffolkes , June 1954
19 But the children soon settle down and gather round for a closer look at Caesar a 12ft long Burmese python .
20 Let your child suck water up the straw , blow it out and play around for a while .
21 There 's an underground thing — you know , steps going down to a station , so I go down there and wander around for a bit .
22 The second and third weekend I get to the lake just before daybreak armed with a pair of binoculars and settle down for a couple of hours in a spot which gives me a good view of all , or most , of the water .
23 So far so good : then you select a soiled dish , collect some scraps from the garbage , and settle down for a short wait .
24 It 's a chance for them to forget the washing up and their household chores , put their feet up and settle down for a comfortable snooze in front of their favourite television programme ( which really does n't sound much different from normal , does it ? )
25 But erm you need to come down , once we get the double glazing I 'll give you a shout and come down for a come down for a coffee and what have you .
26 The first came in 1977–8 against Australia and he began with fifties in his first three innings , only to join the Packer brigade and miss out for a couple of years .
27 On the first morning I woke up feeling great , like a kid , stretched my arms and thought , Now I 'll have a cup of tea and stroll out for a Then it hit me . "
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