Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pers pn] over [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You could remove the pages from the catalogue and fax them over to Jack you see
2 I have my shit , bury and cover it over like a cat , with earth and leaves , trying to ensure a faster conversion back to nature .
3 The three officers peered down the hill into the darkness of Wiltshire Lane and wished they could get in there and get it over with .
4 ‘ Wheel on Jeremy Beadle and get it over with . ’
5 Shoot me now and get it over with ! ’
6 ‘ I mean to find out , even if it entails keeping you here indefinitely , so you might as well start talking and get it over with .
7 Just pick up the receiver and get it over with . ’
8 She dearly wanted a coffee and brandy to end this uncomfortable night but she wanted to say goodbye and get it over with more , and somehow the merriment of the people added to her stress .
9 ‘ Just open the stupid thing and get it over with . ’
10 The rise of the Greens had placed the SPD in a difficult position , in that any attempt to capture moderate votes might alienate existing party supporters and drive them over to the Greens .
11 At the end of July , with Responsions successfully behind him as well as a happy celebratory birthday outing for Helen spent with Harry and Janet , Edward was still as hesitant as in his early letters to Hooton : ‘ May I bring a paper in manuscript and talk it over with you ?
12 Well , the immunologist from the clinic went in and evaluated Ron and basically told him that he had … that he was not going to live more than the most a few weeks , and he could have control over the time of his death if he wished , and that was his decision to make , and he should think about it and talk it over with me .
13 Think very carefully today and talk it over with Maggie .
14 And if you do go back there , at least phone me occasionally and ask me over for a meal — I 'll bring a bottle of vino .
15 It is working with Intel on the project but has to wait for silicon before it attempts to actualise the product and turn it over to LSI Logic for manufacture .
16 A major offensive was launched on Aug. 22 in an attempt to relieve the siege , after the government had abandoned its earlier suggestion that it might evacuate the fort and turn it over for use by the International Red Cross .
17 ‘ I wanted to look pale and interesting and bowl him over with my sparkling wit ! ’
18 She 's not comi oh what do you want me to do , pick her up and carry her over to the house ?
19 With much huffing and puffing , the beetles managed to lift the pebble and carry it over to the professor 's circle .
20 Ernie , who was employed by him , would go up on a Sun day to feed his stock and unbeknown to Dick Gooding would bring the old mule back with him , hitch him to the hand cart and pull it over to Birling Bank , this went on for some time and poor old Dick knew nothing of these goings on .
21 We count the florid banknotes and hand them over across the desk .
22 It was claimed that trustees of the NUM ( the President , the Vice-President and the Secretary ) were in breach of their duties and the High Court ordered them to recover these assets and hand them over to the sequestrators .
23 All I had to do was to train chicks on either methylanthranilate or water and hand them over to Roger , who would disappear into the neurophysiology lab with them and emerge many hours later with reams of paper which he would begin to analyse .
24 The Sergeants would take us for training sessions and escort us over to our meals , but it was the Corporals who governed our lives .
25 She saw the woman summon a footman and point at her , and the footman duly arrived to collect Artemis and take her over to her father and his friend .
26 She felt them lift her and take her over to the low stone wall beside the glimmering field of water-chestnuts .
27 And we 'd shut them out shunt them out and then we 'd collect the two coaches and take them over to the main yard , and put them under a cleaning platform you see for the cleaners .
28 There was little Coleman could do in the circumstances except fill out an IAP-66 authorization form for Syrian George and take him over to the embassy for a J-1 visa to admit him to the United States for a course of study at UAB .
29 Periodically I went down into the warmth below , to write up my notes and check them over against the ship 's design plans , which Nils had produced for me before going off with Iain to talk to the Navy Yard people .
30 You can use the help line and phone it over from where you are into England .
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