Example sentences of "and [vb base] [art] [noun sg] a " in BNC.

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1 When autotomy was first observed it was thought that the killer simply ripped off the tail by brute force , but closer study revealed that many lizards , especially geckos , have evolved special break-points in their tails — weak spots that fracture with great ease and make the sacrifice a simple matter .
2 The chord shapes are very important , as they give the visual reference to each scale fingering and make the job a lot easier .
3 Once you have made your choice you should put the rest away out of sight , as they will only muddle you and make the job a lot more difficult .
4 Point the toes and raise the leg a fraction higher 15 times , holding each raise for 1 second .
5 A Franco-Australian proposal [ see p. 37878 ] to ban mineral exploitation and designate the continent a " world park " , met with resistance from Japan , the United Kingdom and the USA at a meeting in Viva del Mar , Chile , in December of states party to the 1959 Antarctic Treaty [ see p. 37931 ] .
6 As you approach the water put the board in deep enough not to rip the skeg out and push the board a little further out using one hand on the mast .
7 But the gospels of Matthew , Mark , and Luke make the Last Supper the Passover meal , and place the crucifixion a day later , which affected the calculation of the date for the Easter festival elsewhere .
8 Tt erm and explore the salary a bit more because again I said it 's basic at thirty five and there 's a few other bits and pieces but you never really got to grips with what those other bits and pieces are , yeah there 's performance related pay , location allowances , a company car , there 's BUPA , all those bits and bobs need to be identified .
9 Chestnuts line the edge of the small park and afford the house a dignified protection from the lorries that now hurtle by on the main road .
10 Linda Lee , Development Officer , Renfrew District Project , Alzheimer 's Scotland The AIMS of the specialist day care unit are as follows : a To provide a respite break to the carer and give the sufferer a positive place in the community where something positive can be put back into their lives and improve their awareness on a day-to-day basis .
11 Well no , you ge if you won and give the rest a game .
12 Place a serving plate over the top of the terrine , invert it and give the top a tap .
13 The water 's on , I might put her in the bath and give the hair a quick wash .
14 To get plant out of the pot , turn it upside down with the stem between your fingers and give the pot a gentle knock .
15 Larger than Glossy Ibis , from which it differs especially in its bald red head , red bill and legs , and neck ruff of long pointed feathers , which wave in the wind and give the bird a somewhat shaggy appearance at rest .
16 It would allow McAllister to run the midfield from a more central position and give the team a more balanced look .
17 Mr Premium , thought Sir Peter , would abuse the public for allowing merit to an Act whose object was to snatch misfortune and prudence from the rapacious gripe of usury , and give the minor a chance of inheriting his estate without being undone by coming into possession .
18 Depending on the piece of mud , you might have to take one club more with a long fairway shot , and give the shot a little extra force in the short game .
19 They ensure that certain principles are applied uniformly throughout the Community , and give the Commission a legal basis on which to ensure compliance with these principles by the Member States .
20 Thankfully there are some still willing to take would-be heroes under their wing and give the novice a chance to become a legend .
21 Choose new Program Group and give the group a name .
22 We have to be patient and give the guy a chance . ’
23 ( It had been the practice for the climber to go to the top and give the fox a spin , but in 1984 the committee got cold feet when it found they might not be fully insured for the climber and a separate insurance would cost too much .
24 Then I try to work out what was good about it , and maybe try and copy the outfit a bit .
25 Elastica get together under the weight of variously failed careers and get a logo a bit like The Cure 's .
26 Use the water sparingly and clean the carpet a small section at a time .
27 Would you guys like to look at me and ask a answer a question .
28 Adoption has primarily been seen as a means for infertile couples to gain a family , but other people may also choose to adopt : birth relations eg , grandparents ; step-relations ; those wishing to increase their family and offer a child a home ; families already fostering the child ; families with hereditary illness which can affect their biological children .
29 But at least they would clarify the current situation and offer the Prince a place in history alongside his great uncle .
30 Rotate the cutter once around the pipe and tighten the wheel a little more .
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