Example sentences of "and [vb base] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When Rodie heard of what happened , she went up to Sam 's room and comforted him enough to bring him downstairs and sit with them on the terrace .
2 And then I used to get on to the dray and sit beside him on the box and then we 'd go as far as Road , which is quite a stretch and I used o walk back .
3 I go and sit beside him on his boxes and feel much the same as he does .
4 Rachel kneels behind me whispering in my ear , ‘ You never told me about Jancey ’ and I tell her she 's just the woman next door and Rachel says , ‘ Oh yeah ? ’ and I push her onto her back and sit astride her in the dark .
5 It will be suggested perhaps that , instead of simply feeling himself pulled between a thirst for new experience and a dread of losing his pension , a rational man would ponder conflicting principles , ‘ It is good to welcome new experience ’ and ‘ One ought not to risk one 's pension ’ , and judge between them by deducing from more general principles combined with verbally formulated facts about Bali and himself .
6 In its strongest form , at the perception of a new and beautiful poetic or religious idea , mystics and seers will fall into a trance and remain in it for hours or even days .
7 We tie a maiden to the stone and dance round it by firelight ! ’
8 If you are a supplier of goods or services where turnover exceeds the current registration threshold you have to charge VAT and account for it to Customs and Excise .
9 IT 'S the time you lean out of your car window when a man says something about women drivers and yell at them to ‘ come over here and say that . ’
10 She was about m add , ‘ I suppose that 's because you 're a tramp and sleep amongst them at night sometimes , ’ but stopped herself in time .
11 You go up round then you come down yes you can through but people queue and wait for one on the top .
12 He was for going on at once , but I would stay ; so he said he would return to Mullinavat and wait for me in a bar there .
13 ( a ) Meetings and their conduct Whatever may have been agreed as to the taking of decisions by unanimous or majority vote , as much a matter of good management as of good faith is the need to ensure that all relevant information is given to all the partners before a vote is taken : the requisite majority of partners should not purport to take decisions and act on them behind the backs of the minority unless such has been expressly authorised or the need for immediate action precludes the convening of a partners ' meeting ; and even then there should be no delay before all partners are acquainted with the circumstances and invited to ratify any decision taken in their name .
14 If I make a black man sweep up my trash , empty my dustbins , wash the vomit from my floor and kill for me in my imperialist wars … well , what do you think ?
15 Now calm down , and listen to me for a minute .
16 Listen , listen to me , when it 's finished , instead of putting it in the box we 'll put it on that other one and listen to it for a wee while
17 The issue is even more complicated in the world of sound recording , because we can not pick up a record and listen to it in the same way that we can pick up a book and read it .
18 Drain peas , place in a large pan and cover with plenty of clean water .
19 Do n't wither on the sterile sidewalks of Paris , he exhorted , ‘ come and paint with me on the heath , in the potato field , come and walk with me behind the plough and the shepherd , come and sit with me , looking into the fire — let the storm that blows across the heath blow through you . ’
20 The whole orderly structure of argument and assumption of course depended on slave-owners seeing the force of and benefit to them of these laws of development .
21 We are now facing the most serious challenge in our history and depend on you for support .
22 The West Yorkshire Ecumenical Council consists of leaders of Christian churches who co-operate wherever possible and speak as one on subjects of common interest and concern .
23 Pau retains a circle of Anglophiles who cherish the British connection and speak of it with affectionate admiration — not the most widespread of French responses to us .
24 Ezek. 22.30 — ‘ I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before Me in the gap on behalf of the land so that I would not have to destroy it , but I found none . ’
25 This book has been written with the objective both of making knowledge gained by research more easily accessible , and of demonstrating how in the course of providing services practitioners can use the knowledge and add to it by their own skill and commitment .
26 He would have had to drive to the farm , learn of Mungo 's destination from Alice , and trudge after him across the fields .
27 Obviously , and understandably , working-class men and women took a very instrumental view of education and how it related to their needs and the opportunities available and open to them in society .
28 Your contact will meet you and transfer with you to St Petersburg .
29 Listen for them on radio and television and look for them in the newspaper .
30 Go and look for it for me then ?
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